Wednesday 29 April 2009

Potentially Unrelated

Since a mental spring clean through action of whisky and strawberry milk while on investigations, cobwebs have been cleared out allowing fresh neural pathways to develop in absence of staid old brain routeways. On the return journey bus I developed a technique of mirroring the formation of vivid, real, dream images by the mind finding and tracking real patterns on the diffuse random textured patterns of the retina/back of eyelid. Staring at a random pattern, one can either let the mind find whatever faces or figures or object images it will, in the patterns, or one can seek something in particular, at whatever level of detail you want, eg. find the shape of an angry face, find the shape of a bear, find a guy with his arm in the air, find some monster…

I was doing this by staring at the back of a bus seat (usual random textured plush fabric pattern not unlike the patterns you see with your eyes shut). My feeling is that in sleep, the brain does this very same thing and finds the real actual images within the image seen with the eyes shut. (This being first thought likely by my previously waking up and noticing the lingering dream object having an actual location on the field of vision seen with shut eyes.) In order to find moving images, one needs to search much harder in the patterns/textures of the field of view seen with shut eyes, to find frame by frame images of objects in various stages of movement.

This, I assume, is the entire explanation for rapid eye movement – the eye is flitting about fast because one is searching for images with which to construct real time dream vision.I don’t know how this relates to the case…

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