The case room is small; cramped; poorly lit. Desk piled high with cuttings, black and white photos, old receipts… Shelves of fossils; old keys; old phone directories… Empty bottles of cheap red wine litter the floor. The most recent one was an 8% ‘wine’ bought for around £3 – went down okay last night while listening to steve still’s wah on season of the witch and Patti Smith singing GLORIA. Red and blue lined diagrams on square ‘math book’ style A4 paper. One of those manoeuvrable lamps with about three flexible joints with springs like a rusty metal model of a dinosaur limb. A red bulb lightbox for studying transparencies taken in ‘aura-chrome’… Some great shots… Case notes on the backs of envelopes. Drawing pins in the walls holding overlapping depths of information like a busy shop noticeboard in November. It is a grotto… A cavern of information, most of it irrelevant and possibly half of it false... Corrugated cardboard coffee cups stacked on papers leaving golden olympic rings.
The balls of string dispense from the centre, cut by pocket knife to connect Wyoming with Winnipeg, and the Niagara with the Angel Falls. Maps of Europe, UK, U.S., Norfolk Broads, Antarctica, the Moon… Maps of city centres. Maps of the London Underground and the Trans Europa Express. Maps of the human brain… Maps of the eye. Maps into the human ear. Images of the back of busseats. Textures… Maps of the inked thumbprint of a stranger from a motel room in Duluth… Mazes… Labyrinths…
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