Monday, 6 April 2009

In Reply

I RECALL a conversation with my wife's friend, Dr. Epstein, a professor in the fringes of quantum physics, towards the dusky end of a garden party last summer, where he explained to me the background of scientific research into recognised non-linear events. Epstein told of an experiment which registered simultaneous changes in two separate particles emitted from a shared source - some sort of particle gun (the finer details of such science have always escaped my comprehension). One particle would be somehow forced to split into two particles, which would travel in opposing directions - when any kind of characteristic was measured in one particle, the same could be found to be present in the other particle at the exact same time, even though the the two pieces of matter were geographically separate.

This, he reasoned, provided proof of an instantaneous non-linear connection between two particles of common origin. The how or why of this is not something I was able to grasp, but Epstein assured me that this experiment produced reliably observable, measurable and repeatable results. If this is so, it is easy to extend this logic to apply to simultaneous shared realisations by unconnected individuals.

Given that we all come from stardust, to put it in laymn's terms, it would seem common sense that unconnected individuals will from time to time hatch ideas, seemingly spontaneously, yet entirely in synch with one another - as the molecule fires across the synapse in one brain, creating the new thought, so must the connected molecule in the other brain, creating the same thought simultaneously.

As I have stated, my scientific understanding of this is slight, but it would seem to me that this could be a possible explanation as to how two identical thoughts could occur simultaneously in peoples unconnected.

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