Monday, 6 April 2009

Latest development

RESEARCHERS now reveal that the blog/internet forum of a US resident known as ‘Bezzie’, primarily devoted to knitting, contains references to reading up on the state of Michigan. It is suspected that at least some of those posting entries (many under pseudonyms) may be involved with the core group behind the Soft Michigan project. One individual called Melissa may be the same as Melissa Parrish, who struck up a friendship with Belinda Erkhart. Both are thought to have vanished. However, an ‘individual’ named Melinda Packett has been traced through pizza orders in the bay area. It is suspected by this investigator that both Melissa and Belinda are still at large, living together, sharing the pseudonym of Melinda Packett. This is substantiated by a bulk order for auburn ‘realcolor’ hair dye to a bay area address. They may have gone into hiding together after the disappearance of others involved in Soft Michigan. Another theory which arises, however, is that the whole group are in hiding, fearing a military clampdown on their work…

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