SAFELIGHT'S suppositions would appear to be sound. This would follow the supposed straining of the UK-US intelligence relationship under the republican administration, and the ‘woolgate’ affair may have exacerbated this strain through further years. It points towards wool entering the realm of ‘power’ currency alongside oil and technology. Currently, the South Americas, politically dominated by the leftist governments of Venezuela and others, but with Mexico (central America) currently leaning more towards the capitalist western model, have a stronghold on the wool market, with the llama and sheep wool-unit being strong against its counterpart in the US. The nationalisation by SA governments of woolstocks, away from the control of US-dominated wool giants backed by the IMF, has further strengthened the hand of the leftist South Americans. Money was injected into the acrylic and polyester industries and polycotton-recycling technology in the US. Much of the actual labour was outsourced to the far east, with stocks of acrylic-mix wool returning by tanker. A plan to ship the product as helium-filled ‘clouds’, which would reach the US by trade winds, has reportedly been drawn up. (Anonymous source.)
However, real 100% wool, in particular merino, will dominate. As military insiders have reported ‘it’s just soooo much softer’…
However, real 100% wool, in particular merino, will dominate. As military insiders have reported ‘it’s just soooo much softer’…
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