Friday 13 November 2009

A New Insight

New insight: Agent L, a close personal friend and my personal knitting tutor, is currently researching cult escapees, having speed-read several autobiographical accounts by escapees. I suspect that Agent L may herself be a cult escapee, having heard her talk of a mysterious ‘dancing chicken society’ – a cult group now defunct (or else gone underground??) that had been based on the same campus that also saw the demise of the darkside goth society. I don’t like to ask her too much on the subject of the chicken dance, as it may have been a psychologically damaging episode for her which she may not be ready to talk about. She may even have subconsciously blocked it from her mind – forgotten it happened, or else projected it onto ‘someone else’, believing it happened to somebody other than herself. Either way, this personal experience of cult involvement, even if forgotten and buried deep in her subconscious, would be invaluable in her investigations. Unless this personal involvement brings her too close to that particular field of study… At present her research is centring on quasi-religious groups such as the Latterday Saints, but I feel the area is close enough to the Michigan to Whitby wool scene to be of great interest.

Mormon Norman

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