Wednesday 25 November 2009


A ‘Kitty Black’ is recorded to have taken part in a trade fair in the Appalachians in February 2007, where s/he sold novelty earmuffs from a stall, under the unregistered company name Lake Pleasant Ski Supplies. Kitty first surfaced, however, in the summer of 2002 as an outsider on the winter sports scene in Oregon.
A paper calling for the increased reintroduction of rail transportation of freight as opposed to transportation by road, along the western seaboard, was published in a 2004 US lobbying periodical, under the name K Black. While seemingly unrelated, this is suspected by one source to be a deliberate attempt by the same K Black to reintroduce the ‘midnight ghost’ freight-jumping shuttle route as a viable mode of transport for her and her associates. “With a rucksack full of earmuffs even a boxcar roof or a flatbed is an option”, she is quoted as saying. I wonder if she may have met up with the Michigan set at some trade fair or at some wool supplies store… I also wonder if the attempt to pressure for the increase in rail freight between Washington State and California may be as much to do with potential cargo in the box cars, rather than just the potential human riders on the roofs…

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