Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Oregon Laybys
A paper calling for the increased reintroduction of rail transportation of freight as opposed to transportation by road, along the western seaboard, was published in a 2004 US lobbying periodical, under the name K Black. While seemingly unrelated, this is suspected by one source to be a deliberate attempt by the same K Black to reintroduce the ‘midnight ghost’ freight-jumping shuttle route as a viable mode of transport for her and her associates. “With a rucksack full of earmuffs even a boxcar roof or a flatbed is an option”, she is quoted as saying. I wonder if she may have met up with the Michigan set at some trade fair or at some wool supplies store… I also wonder if the attempt to pressure for the increase in rail freight between Washington State and California may be as much to do with potential cargo in the box cars, rather than just the potential human riders on the roofs…
Friday, 13 November 2009
Shoddy journalism...
A New Insight
Mormon Norman
Theory One
This makes me think of recent Atlantis discovery.
I wonder if they are sending waves from each shore to meet over the submerged ruins. The 90's computer game Ecco the Dolphin was awash with hidden symbolism and deep plot, and featured crystal information storage used by the Atlanteans, being re-accessed by wave transmission against the side of the crystals. I wonder if that may be involved here.
Theory one.
The underground are trying to build a safe haven for their own activities and for their own survival, in the face of pressures such as marketeer-led culture change.
[Case in point: recent undercover visit to a university campus revealed that the old goth society, cloaked as an RPG, fantasy, sci-fi and horror society, had ceased to exist, now having as its nearest apparent replacement a ‘rock society’ – a sure sign of that underground being sterilised and ‘rationalised’ by the media filter; velvet and striped tights being replaced by labelled black t-shirts and loose loose jeans.]
The military are meanwhile trying to depopulate the surface of the planet as per guidestone ambitions, by rehousing the masses underground or underwater without them being aware of it.
One may be caused by the other or not. ie. Both motives and ambitions may be independent of each other, or else the fringe element may be reacting to the military project, possibly having become aware of it through the cyberhippies’ experiences with military marketing boot camps.
I had previously supposed, however, that the military were reacting to the fringe, and had suspected that any fringe element dabbling in military marketing were to some extent scabs, sell-outs, richies (rich bill gates type ex-hippies)… Perhaps, on this new angle, the likes of Melissa Parrish in fatigues never abandoned their ideals and were reading from the establishment’s rulebook to learn how to operate within the system; armouring themselves in the weaponary of the opposition.
Alhough I suspect many of the military industrial weapons for media warfare and control were originally gleaned from the student population who in the words of Jack Bruce were ‘leaning leaning to the right’.
The fourth man
Time to go back to basics, shake our brains and see what falls loose. I think this is what has been holding the case back.
btw, I misquoted our GM - he actually said ""you can achieve anything as long as you don't know that it is impossible"
this zen phrase has now been printed out and adorns walls and doors around the building. It speaks to me of the power of the will - if there is nothing to impede your will, you can achieve the impossible. Such a motto may be useful in cracking the case at hand.
Radio Quietness
So… Atlantis discovered. It just needs a martian face and some dubious geometry now.
Katty Black: I assume this must be an insider contacting us. Do you know if she is UK based, US or other?
The Russian connection: HAARP. Having previously investigated a northern UK installation with Agent Lone Wolf and partner, and seen similar signage used to scare away unwanted tourists from what was merely (I say merely, but who knows) an aquatic bio-research/development facility, I know that the heavy handed red capital letters may not always be justified. I am unsure of the purpose of HAARP activities, but the suggestions, particularly moon-bouncing, suggest to me something military or industrio-political. It reminds me of Tesla’s ground-breaking wireless energy-transfer system that was swiftly hushed up and put in the freezer.
The North has a strong mysterious-force quotient, largely associated with the earth’s magnetic activity. The two poles differ in that the south has a land mass – the shape of which can be seen to spiral around the centrifugal spin force of the earth, while the north pole has water, but then a crust of ice – the surrounding land masses form a ring, from Siberia to Baffin Island, Greenland, Norway... Perhaps the North is more useful for this reason.
UFO activity: I am interested in the L. Baikal report. I have witnessed a slide show on said Lake, and it is indeed an intriguing place.
I feel that besides magnetism, the north polar region is also high in mysterious force simply because it is dark so much. Everybody knows that spooky things happen in the dark… It’s the best time for secret groups of otherworldly beings to conduct activities without being seen…
As for Caribbean activity, my good friend Timothy Good reports at length on the hidden base located on Puerto Rico.
Myself – since radio quietness I have been considering a new question to use as a benchmark against case developments past and present. We have been exploring the what, how, who and when. I feel that it would be of great benefit to understanding what is at play here if we tackle the question ‘why?’.
The quiet man
The Worcester Source
Droitwich is in worcestershire, uk. Must be one of those coincidences i don't believe in?
Our man in havana.
A pretty good start for daily operations...
This isn't the Regan I'm looking for. I hope. [link to Massechusets obituary for an Earl Regan.]
I'll look for Atlantis...
Hail, Atlantis
No need to apol.
Thanks for the link - have you read the w'pedia entry on HAARP? or seen it on google earth? I had a brief fixation [2 evenings] with military radar installations last year and found some good stuff on HAARP.
How many hrs a week do you spend reading
A friend last night showed me on google earth where he thinks atlantis can be seen under the sea [just west of the canaries if you fancy checking it out - follow the straight lines [roads?] across the seabed until you get to the 200mile square etchings which look like a city outline. Could be...
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Life Aquatic
life aquatic?
excerpt from here, with account of possible sub-aquatic life/community in Siberia [not too far from NW Canada]...
The Russian Navy has declassified its records of UFO encounters, many of which take place in or around water, reports the Web site of the English-language Russian news channel Russia Today.
“They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea,” said one naval intelligence officer quoted by the Web site.
Another incident cited involved six unknown objects that followed a nuclear submarine in the Pacific. When the sub surfaced, so did the objects — which then lifted themselves out of the water and flew away.
In perhaps the most compelling account, military divers in Siberia’s Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, encountered “a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits” at a depth of 160 feet. Three humans died during the ensuing chase.
Now, I'm not saying this relates the case, but it makes the idea of a submerged city/culture seem more feasible.
'Russian Doll'
Katty Black
both explanations seem eminently plausible to this investigator and thus i can indiciate no preference for either theory. Members of fringe groups are generally outsiders who struggle in the early years to relate to their peers due to developing at a different rate to the average child [either faster or slower than]. This leads to them drifting away from the pack, often becoming 'outsiders' and developing obscure interests. This idea is reinforced by the fact Searly is obviously involved in some kind of fringe movement, so it seems likely he was either a precocious child or a late developer.
Late development would fit the first theory; a precocious child, the second. A selection of Beefheart's recordings include the sound of a child's voice, laughter or other noises. Could this be a yound Searly we are hearing? If so, the question remains; how did a two-year old fall into Beefheart's circle? How did they become aquainted? Perhaps the pulse/veg dietary regime was installed in the band to allow food to be easily pulped into babyfood as required. Perhaps the captain thought that a toddler held the answers he was searching for in his art and, at this time, was actually taking guidance and direction from the child?
This investigator has been rather distracted from the case recently but intends to shift focus back to it throughout the week.
One thing: I cannot remember if I informed all members of the team of a contact made by email a few weeks back. I received a message from a 'Katty Black' which simply said 'I like this blog'. The similarity to Black Cat is remarkable. Is this someone trying to contact us with useful information regarding to the fabled experiment, or is this someone from the Black Cat team just letting us know that they are aware of our investigation as some form of taunt?
Walt Whatman?
The Uncomformity
Or could it?
Two possibilities occur to me, which could maintain the supposition that both events occured and involved the same man, without upsetting the timeline with anachronicity.
The first is that a much older Searly entered the poem in thecompetition. If so, the psychological profile of Searly would change - a 25+ yr old writing such a poem, or just entering such a poem that hemay have written while teenage, would be a very different person fromthat envisaged before, perhaps a late developer, or an individual havingthe syndrome which results in childlike (or in this case teenage) tendencies and mentality into adult life.
(Or alternatively, the poem may have been written by a teenage Searly and entered by someone else who had acquired the poem. I personally dismiss this for now.)
The second possibility is that a teenage Searly did write the poem in 82, and an infant Searly spent time with Beefheart in say 69-72. I imagine a 2 year old Searly telling the captain 'no, captain, don't do it that way...'. The influence of a 2 year old Searly could explain much of Beefheart's output during that period.
Boston Social Scene
I can only suppose that BSS originally stood for / secretly stands for Boston Social Scene.
Or even Boston Stiching Society?
As for the file trial – the kids are getting stitched up for millions by the Man. I must present the case for defence. Care of a piece from the mysterious legal journal, ‘Common Law’ which follows the following basic thrust – Sell someone beans, they can sell them on, or they can grow hundreds more beans from them and sell them on. Without a signed or handshook agreement not to do so – a joint contract – then beans, books, music, words, pictures, should all follow the same path. Anything else is absurd. I still haven’t printed off my ‘home taping is killing music T-shirt with the tape and crossbones logo. I must. The bean companies know that they could never stop farmers regrowing, selling, regenerating etc. beans, through LEGAL channels – that’s why they engineer species to give off sterile fruit, along with being resistant only to brand X pesticide, etc. But they are trying to copyright genomes now. Not sure where things stand on that. Must research. Who holds my DNA copyright? Who’s gonna want a copy? Where’s the Xerox machine, Spock?
My Man has a hong kong acquaintance who represents big business and sues the ass of the little people. The devil’s advocate?
I though Happy was younger? Or was he so much older then, and younger than that now?
Enjoy lushness. I watched half of magical mystery tour yestereve. Charabanc ride in England green – I recall big charabanc trip in cider with rosie – Gloucester to Weston super-mare I think. Rolling meadow unfolds.
Despatches from Gloucester
just set up a 'test election' asking voters to pick a candidate based on the question 'who is ronald searly?'
zac happy seems to be leading in the current vote stakes. it had crossed my mind that he was searly on the DL.
on the way down here, drove past droitwich. must only be about 20 miles from there as i type. eyes are peeled for examples of re-use and extreme fixes.
more later. maybe.
hugh laurie lee
Pink Wafer Biscuits and Animal Relief for Bruce
last night I met up with my man and her partner. I acquired gin and ginger beer. they acquired herbal german liqueur and pink wafer biscuits (a staple of their strict vegetarian dietary regime - no real panthers used, just beetroot). her update: she spent a night in a glasgow travel-tavern with a loose-bladdered dog on her chest, in order to catch boss beard springsteen, recently. A good concert by all accounts. A group of glaswegians near her swooned a chant of Brooooce through openings of most songs. Bird shat on one of their arms. She wiped it off for them on basis that it would have ended up on her otherwise.
So, the semiological content of this fable concerns animals relieving themselves on people - first the bird, later the old dog. I don't know what it means yet, but it must mean something...
Records not yet obtained - they have no wheels except bicycle. I may have to collect later in the year. the supplier is in no rush for the payment. I'll pass on stills request.
killer hangover today at work.
sir laurie lee
pastures green...
Good Earl Bad Earl: Subtle Psych Treatments
If any real patients heard anything they shouldn’t – who would believe them anyway?
A psych clinic would undoubtedly be a good enlistment ground for disciples/stooges to use as gophers, message senders, disseminators, rumour spreaders, sleepers or patsies, whether unwitting or not… Recall lone gunmen enlisted and utilised through hypnosis and similar psych ‘treatments’. But then, I think what we have been working with here has been more subtle psych treatments en masse, rather than on specific individuals for specific high impact actions. In the flicks the hypnotist is usually the bad guy – sinister manipulator of the foolish or unfortunate, with the appearance of the charlatan and the slick manners of a snakecharmer. The smooth talker who’ll use you as a brick in some fabulous illusory pyramid scheme then be gone leaving nothing but a gloved fingerprint. I’ve never seen Searly as wearing that cape before.
Perhaps there is a good Searly and a bad Searly. Whether a double act or not. Unless one is real and the other is seen in a magician’s mirror.
Of course Earl Regan may be the UK counterpart of the same man, or just the Searly Doll UK dead letter drop-point for message pick-up.
Ronald's Early?
maybe there is no Searly. maybe the above is what i misheard as "Ronald Searly" three mnoths back.
Though yes, being a pyschiatrist would easily allow someone to remain isolated yet contactable to a group. member dropping by to see him and get operational arrangements made, supplying the main man with updates, the whole time passing themselves off of 'patients'.
naturally, if the whole thing got busted [say by a detective's wire] then he could always claim everything overheard was the product of the maddened minds he is trying to straighten out through professional means, and not somehting he is personally involved in. if if we have recordings suggesting he is involved, he could always claim he is humouring the patient, going along with them in effort to get to the crux of their disorder. first class obfuscatia.
up north but based on the west coast, away from operations in our eastern sphere of investigation, but within reach. classic obfuscatia - when they say look left, you better look right.
Mind Games
non-case related activities
Reportage - fat quarters
case notes though: middle england is devoid of mirth. will report further findings soon.
top room of circa 1500s house in leicestershire is a secret production room of needlework, quilting, felting - fat quarters everywhere; works on wattle and daub walls around random queenpost timbers. apple tree in secret garden and ghost pine beyond. youngsters practising forward drives with tennis ball. tomato plants outdoors. I watch brief encounter after sepia wartime portraiture. it wasn't the film I expected - before sunrise is the true version. on now to more stations. the buddlia seems more friendly now. Cut. Fri. Hotel lobby foyer watching second test (ashes) with ultra-£3 boddingtons well enough earned. buddlia in sight as I write hanging into holiday inn parking lot. the sky turns purple grey from a mixture of broken weather and july dusk. 111 for 3. make that 111 for 4. the lobby carpet is bus seat-esque enough to dream into. I see a big red indian bird and a wallaby mouse. the lobbies are the best places to run into interesting people. 111 for 5. I figure I can still score another 2pts from the ten pound note i started with. or a sneaky carryout from supermarket over A road. discover that the oldish couple, looking like dapper MCC folks are actually aussies, staying in lobby to watch the cricket like me. i should have known. they're both on pints. now also eating salted nuts. i ponder hiding my journalistic pad. some people it would loosen their tongues, some it would tighten, but who's to guess how many of each and which more important. I see many younger outer edge knitwear types opening up and the few harder core experimentalists silenced on sight of a pad. (rain falls outside.) Perhaps the few are more worthwhile than the many, but I think I'd have more fun plumbing the shallows or depths of the many - the end dealers and users, the rollers of fat quarters for pleasure and collegebook ideals. I get in conversation with the aussie couple - turns out only one is aussie - the guy is from aberdeen. only story I get is of a german backpacker they met - was trying to learn english but landed up staying in a hostelfull of germans. no obvious leads into much.
next wisdom to come is from my contact J, prearranged to meet her at hotel. met in lobby and ventured to their room. she reveals what I already suspected- that second only to Totnes, this spa town I'm in, the mother of all spa towns after saltburn, is the UK hippy central. I suspect this must be why I came. if there is a UK tahoe contingent in above ground existence, it may be here. my plan is to hit the charity shops tomorrow and see what leads I can pick up. always go with a hunch, even in notre dame. I'll go tomorrow on the pretext of acquiring quick wedding guest threads - a perfect way-in to any fabric and needlework subterfuge. i know a girl previously on the US music touring circuit who had/has a pad here. since gone further west, also with a farm in spain I think. if her homemade tipi is anything to go on then this is indeed a likely junction for red and orange cottons. note to self. also try to acquire a cheap baby acoustic guitar. a fat quarter-size. a good way into the local sngr-sngwrtr coffeehouse scene.
Sat. no acoust found after a run around town. but another language anecdote heard to reinforce that of the aussie scots couple re german. this time a trip to amsterdam by dutch girl trying to ask directions in dutch but noone there understanding her because all are tourists. I hit the fleamarket with M. Some vinyl inc. live janis and live joan baez and coney island baby. little antique stall - chipped pottery vessels, discoloured spoons, faded jewelery, strange objects awaiting a detroitfix use ['upcycling' is a new fashion mag term for it, seemingly]- but no baby acoustic guitar, banjo or similar. a surprise. directions to oxfam from a studentesque blonde. no records. stalls of hip garmentry en route. back via frock exchange shop. some nice threads. colour co-ordination in the basement. cut to evening. post wedding in barn. 'yes we even had correspondence' I hear, from cambridge undergrad I briefly exchanged letters with about illusory theory of time and intergalactic stick.
cut back to hotel room. i awake at 4am. a whole bottle of cava still unopened. subdued hotel washroom lighting. i glug milk from cool window sill. 'forget something? un oubli?' asks holiday inn. yes, probably, I think. halloumi pastry wrap. playpark. soil field over stream. i tell ten-to-twelve yr old you can get thru to playpark at top of field edge. he says he already knows. the youth are ahead of me - good. what insights? i add the word 'not' to make: 'throw yr soul at this day because it might not be yr last'. I must have been reading too many self help books.
investigations on the northeastern seafront and further inland. whitbywool circle has gone to ground. there is a french connection. grosmont steam line. I sat in tree watching cafegoers. squeakiest voiced girl in shepherd's purse. those chips taste good though. apple juice in glass litre bottle from purse, served by non-squeaky dark haired girl. will give full report in due course. no news is news itself.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Kojak back at base camp
Full account of travels will follow. I was too late to pick up yr no. or would have rung from nr lough to encourage visitation c/o the kingsmobile.
Am listening to live janis double - about 4 quids from bath.
Some case notes to pass on soon, though not much learnt.
Cock and Bull
nb. An abundance of non-case related activity has profoundly slowed things on this branch of the investigative tree. Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon. Drawing the net in now anyway, linking things up, discarding irrelevances.
nb. I contacted the 'cock & bull story association' re: The Case, as i am visiting their town of operation this weekend. See correspondence below...
Hi, I am coming to Stony Stratford in a couple of weeks to visit my girlfriend's sister and came across your site while researching the area. The idea of the cock and bull story has great appeal for me. In fact, I am currently researching a very genuine cock and bull story with some members of a mysterious organisation known as 'The Skip Intro Collective'. If you are interested in reading the "story", it is currently being published as a blog which can be found here. [...] I hope you find this to be of interest and amusement. Thanks,
[investigator's name witheld]
In Reply
Hi, Interesting ... and weird! [...] I'm happy to put you on the mailing list for future issues of the newsletter, although you will get a fair bit of guff about Stony Stratford.
Check for some of the music and arts events happening here. If there's music on at The White Horse you can expect to find me having a listen and a beer or two.
There is a YouTube feature on the origins oif the Cock & Bull Story - which suppports the Stony Stratford claim.
As you have some fascination for doughnuts you might like to track down Ivor Cutler singing "A Doughnut in my Hand".
[source's name withheld]
False Idol Promotion (aside from Lone Wolf)
Read the last para in the summary section about the presidents - pure false idol stuff.
TV has a lot to answer for - possibly the obfuscationists' greatest weapon. unlimited channels of false idol promotion.
Inspector Gadgetry
Friday, 4 September 2009
In Reply
Sounds like a heavy player in the woollen realm. I once worked with a girl whose surname was 'Woollen' - if only she was still around, she could no doubt shed much light on the origins of the case [I forget how it started], going by the historical device of surnames being based on job types [baker, miller, 'smith etc.]
Pink drinks are a fave of Kingsbury PI - mainly rose wine, but any kind of cocktail which sits in the pinkish range of hues will suffice to make her eyes light up. not sure what dacquaris have in them spart from strawberry, though you do get other flavours nowadays, but the strawb was the original. i used to drink them at scruffy's bar in the lace market back in my youth. good afternoon refeshers. Perhaps the raspberry drink i was fond of in dogma was also a dacquari, i forget now, this was many years ago, back when i shaved my own head every 2 weeks to save on barber's bills.
let me know what leads you have in paris - myself and kingsbury pi are scheduled to make a non-case realted visit there early sept, but if aspects of the case need investigating there, we could do so. it strikes me that paris is famous for its catacombs, so there maybe be some franco connection with the south american llama crowd.
Sonia on TV
I must try to get the world turned on to pink dentist drinks (cocktail devised a while back. Not quite figured out ingredients yet - with jellybellies its root beer and strawberry cheesecake, so with liquor I guess - what's dakari - has that got strawberries in it, or is that just strawberry dakari the dessert which has? - I guess it's got root beer in, maybe cream soda, maybe strawberry milkshake (poss just the pre-milk concentrate), maybe scotch or burb [...].
nb. Friday I go south. I could be hunting out Sonia Kyteil's daughter Natalie, whom I suspect may be part of the knitting circle crowd. I will take a crochet hook and try to get in on a meeting. Either the whitby branch or elsewhere. Perhaps patchwork in Eskdale.
Sans Frites - Whitby versus Paris
I am intrigued by the identity of the knitter Sonia Rykiel, who yourgroup met in Paris. I wonder if she is an associate of Paul Kosyra fromthe Minsk days. Perhaps she was in Paris on geo-beacon work at the eiffel tower. I recall hitting the left bank crepe scene at 11pm one week in February 2000, I think it was, and sniffing out the avant garde borgeouis scene in old churches and alleys. I ordered some suzettes.
Do you know what my main thought of Paris was? Shall I tell you? I thought: this is like Whitby, only without the chips...
On that basis alone I prefered Whitby. Nothing beats warm greasy chips.
Although the Sacre Coeur had something to it in the evening sun overthe red light district of Montmartres which isn't equalled by the Abbey or the East Cliff. The East cliff has its own magic though, over at the funfair above the khyber pass in august... Under the whale's jaw...
I shall research Sonia and see what I can drag up.
Knitting Guru
Instruction to proceed
Knitting night life. What a coven of strangeness awaits. Investigate, but keep ready for a hasty getaway. We can’t afford to lose you into soft nottingham.
Knitting Society
Knitting Society
The Knottingham Trent Knit Society is made up of students that have a similar interest in knitting, whether it be traditional or contemporary. Our group meets once a week at a variety of pubs and cafes around Nottingham.
People of all abilities are welcome to come along to hand knit, crochet and chat. Even if you are a beginner and have never picked up a pair of knitting needles before, there are plenty of easy-to-learn skills and techniques we are happy to teach you.
There are lots of events to get involved with in the new term, including workshops with a Knitting Guru in John Lewis and a trip to the Knitting and Stitching show in Dublin. In the second term of last year we went on a trip to Paris to see Sonia Rykiel’s 50th Anniversary exhibition as well as to see the sights and experience the nightlife. We hope to have another trip to Europe this year. We have loads of books, magazines, patterns, wool and needles to get beginners started and old-time knitters inspired.
We have a variety of members from all sorts of courses, not just Art & Design, so don’t feel you have to know a thing about knitting to join. Just come along and have fun
Live Transmission
That wickerwork ball of wool is spooking me. that whole back alley scene in the whitby I know and love is suddenly giving me shivers like its something from the wickerman. that quickly-removable knitter wanted advert gives me the jitters more thananything. Something I can't identify quite... I mean, who are these people?
I am sitting here in my caseroom with a mug of wine pondering frictions and situations and events in some order...
I will tell what I can: My comrade identifies a certain episode of a certain nineteen seventies show entitled 'the ojuka situation' which involves geoffrey palmer as abad guy in a grey suit with a grey mood. The michelson morley thing: in a certain science periodical onlineresource, a posting was placed on a registered-users-only section, entitled 'failings of the michelson-morley model'. It attacked themichelson morley model (cf. luminiferous aether theory circa 1890-1920?) on two main fronts - the first being the theory that light slows downwhen it is, or its effects are, being observed, such that measuring speed of light waves at differing angles of movement within the aether will not necessarily reveal much as the light will behave differentlyunder observation compared to unobserved. Anyway, the real mystery is the response to this posting, which was posted a few days later underthe name 'michelson morley'.
I will return to the whitby area, all being well, a week saturday.
My email order to my man in edinburgh did not reach. I had to chase up the order by phone. If melody reaches me I will let all parties know, and glean what I can.
transmission ends. Refil mug. restroom, then plunge in nearby loch circa 17 degrees C at dusky 11pm. Pearl jam just fades out. I am not a knitter so cannot apply. I may go in as a crocheter. offer them analternative take. One hook instead of two sticks. I am sure there is a fair haired girl in floral cottons in a recess of a whitby arcade called something like ... sympathy, or sky, waiting with a consignment of silks or angora. I will investigate...
The Fringe Donut
The Empty Centre
As is known by anybody who has played the game, the centrespot is by farthe most effective position to hold on the grid; without taking controlof this spot, the game is almost lost by default. In our investigation, any form of midpoint seems to be empty. I do not know what this means, so draw your own conclusion.
I draw your attention to certain remarks made by a mister 'no'min'mailler, from field studies of jungle warfare and comparison with revolutionary chess tactics of the 60s/70s. Avoid the centre spot. Let the man hit you against the ropes. Get yr man to make sure the ropes are nice n loose. n bounce on them to soak up the blows. that is a wayto win. skirt around the outskirts. Keep out of the middle ground. The empty centre, man, the empty centre...
Lines of Enquiry
does he know when reagan came to the wolds?
does he know of kozyra? does he think reagan and kozyra's presence in the wolds is linked? [surely it is]
what does he know of the whitby scene? is he aware of any coastal folk known to be/have been in the area/s regan and kozyra are thought to be active? has he ever seen the ball of wool and needles emblem?
i will add more as it comes to me.
case notes and vinyl supply
Walked past campervan glimpsing pair of people at modern camper van following mountain walk. the pair I met a while back - barworker singersongwriter and boyfriend on the run. She was in an orange floral bandana so I knew it was her. I say hi and walk on. don't think theyrecognise me in daylight. few mins down the road they catch me up in the van and offer me lift. I climb in on passenger side next to her.he drives. he does more of the talking but both friendly and hip. ahot day. i'm all sweaty in unbuttoned colourful cotton shirt. They're camping at site on my route so I skip bus stop and stick with them totheir campsite track end. (they've got one small tent they say,surrounded in multi-room canvas affairs of others. but they have thevan as well. they were living in countryside near halifax (n.s. or w.y.) but she has a family static or somesuch permanently located atwhitby n.y. since childhood. she knows whitby well. as we move towardsdrop-off, one of this year's lambs lies in road, other sheep near - theyfear it's dead; stop van. I get out to shift it and it hops off from alazy doze. we're all glad. they give me a twinkle and nice to see andI'm away. on foot. past 3 guys i know sheering sdheep in the sunshine. I hadn't talked boston mass lyrics with her. just soaked up thevibrations. thoughts following on from wolds incident: bees pass onpollen without knowing it. just from sitting next to each other.especially in floral print.
today: 5.10pm-present time
my man (actually a female, but a good supplier of information kicks) tells me there is a sale on at the record shak. this place is nopicnic. no ordinary second hand joint. if records were alive and thiswas a petshop it would have been closed down long ago for mistreatment,one suspects. boxes and crates of vinyl holding vinyl holding vinyl in leaning towers. no passing room along the randomly formed aisles andmachete paths in what is only a small room to begin with. god knows what the BACK ROOM situation is like. but the man he has a system. hecan find stuff in there., he knows which hamster is in which cage andhow to get at it... a one in one out customer system is in a sudden sale. half price i now find out. message from my man is that if i get a list to her partner's account they will collect the merchandise and deliver saturday. today is thursday.
just off fatpipe. my man she is with chocolate and wine at half ten, awaiting order. skip straight to her address now for quicker purchase of goods tomorrow pre 6am cheap ticket north... i now leave notes quickly to put together a wishlist and mail to gmail.
quick thoughts on latest notes though.
yes. the cross needles are now a world wide phenonemon, it is evident. i know shepherds purse myself and have contacts near there. i'm sure i used to hit it for tvp.
more soon.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Gold Cogitation
Whitby Discovery

Investigations in the Whitby region of East Cleveland UK have yielded vital clues and possible heavyweight evidence relating to the case. A task force was dispatched there by myself on a hunch while looking for Dan Stairs' presence in East Cleveland Ohio, USA. While reserching the US East Cleveland in Ohio, I came across various mentions of Whitby in East Cleveland UK. The town's name rang bells in the investigative chambers of my brain due to its similarity to the name of the WhitbyBoat company first identified in Michigan in the early days of this case. My hunch proved to be correct and the team returned with ample evidence of activity in the town. Here one of the team recount their experience first hand.
A handwritten cardboard sign was found situated on the lower step of a building entrance which opened onto a busy shopping street. The sign read 'part-time sales assistant wanted - must be a knitter - apply within'. This immediately struck me as pertinent to the case. I was tempted to go inside and apply for the job myself, to test the reaction of the staff already present, but my lack of knitting knowledge would have been a dea giveaway, so I settled for the covert approach, secretly photographing evidence whenever I got the chance.
Further up the steps were two permanent signs which read 'wool' and 'crafts'. Alarm bells were ringing in my ears as well as my brain by now. These permanent signs indicated to me that the building is being/has been used for woolcraft purposes for a long period. The handwritten sign is obviously temporary and can put on show or hidden away at a moments notice, allowing the group operating from within stractegic options as to when to advertise for 'help'.
More handwritten signage covered the walls of the corridoor so I walked in to take a look and found another handwritten sign, this time for 'Bobbins Postal Service'. The sign described a 'british wools yorkshire service' which can, and does, 'post wools, kits and exclusive design (in denim) all over the world'. The global aspect of their contact details suggests they are by no means an isolated operation and are in touch with other groups and/or indivuals potentially spanning the entire globe. Another sign, this one painted on a wooden A-board, showed that their output was not limited to deniim, with pure wools, aran and rowan yarn all represented.
A quick flick through a pile of second hand paperback books sat on a bench in the entrance corridoor revealed a book called 'warrimoo' by a Mary Patchett. The author's name struck me in its similarity to Melinda Packett, possibly an early version of the alias, or even inspiration for it, though this could just be coincidence. I cannot recall the subject matter of the book.
Stepping back outside the building in to the street (I noticed I was drawing attention to myself hanging around in the corridoor with camera being swivelled and pointed at every sign in sight and feared my intentions may be about to be discovered) I looked up to see a large model of a ball of wool with a pair of knitting needlers crossed through it, hanging above the doorway like a chandelier. The structure was pretty big and I was surprised not to have spotted it on my way in. My guess is it is the craft circle's emblem used to identify themselves to others. A hand-drawn image of he same structure appeared on a poster in the shop next door to the craft centre circled by the words 'Knit Happens In Whitby', which by now was sounding like an understatement to this investigator. It advertised a meeting for a 'newly established craft circle' to which 'all members were welcome'. Unfortunately, this is not occuring until the end of the month and it is unlikely we will have any agents in the area to attend. I can only surmise that the operation is being expanded in the aera, hence the need for new recruits. I wonder if the timing of the expansion relates to the beards presence on the UK festival circuit in any way. Incidentally, the shop this advert was placed in is called 'The Shepherd's Purse' which brings to my mind Regan's quote about the relative riches of the shepherd and the banker noted earlier in the case.
The other piece of possible evidence discovered was an advert placed in the window of a disused shopspace (opposite the Shepherd's Purse) which mentioned a 'cargo shed relocation presentation' something which sounds vague but ominous. Could be related to shipping cargo out of whitby to elsewhere, or the relocation of sheds (or other buildings) possibly mirroring the Michigan housing re-plan.
I have listed much evidence here but little theory. I shall tackle the evidence in this manner now...
The first thing I must focus on is the ball of wool and crossed needle motif the Bobbins group are using. It seems very similar to the marks of crossed needles made on the great lake cave paintings found in Lima by EPPS, as described by Safelight. This cross motif is the opposite of the rings found drawn around the great lakes on the wallmap of the military man who Phipps (the woodland ranger in Maryland) had contact with. This leads me to conclude that there are definitely military and counter-culture operations active in the same field - the military using the circle as their power symbol, and the underground group using the crossed needles as theirs. So, we are dealing with a game of noughts and crosses. As is known by anybody who has played the game, the centrespot is by far the most effective position to hold on the grid; without taking control of this spot, the game is almost lost by default. In our investigation, any form of midpoint seems to be empty. I do not know what this means, so draw your own conclusion. One thought occurs to me - if the military are aligned with the circular sumbol, it seems likely that closed-loop production methods are the realm of the military, not the counter culture. This seems all the more probable due to the amount of resources the military has compared to the likely resources of any kind of underground operation.

The existence of the Whitby group could well explain Regan's presence in the Wolds. My guess is that the Bobbins operation is being bankrolled by Kozyra and Reagan is there to oversee operations. A further guess is that the Whitby location was selected as a UK site due to the similarity of the name to Whitby Boat co. Searly is the most likely candidate to have chosen the spot, I would imagine. Whitby is also a harbour town, and with boats and water having much to do with the case this would seem to be a key feature of most locations. The water/boating savvy group no doubt chose the place as it provided a means to ship goods out to sea privately, avoiding official border crossing points. The synchronicity of the town's name providing confirmation that is was the right choice for the group to run an operation from.

Bobbins co. are no doubt shipping stuff to USA and also recruiting other craft circles in some global craftweb. It is highly possible that new recruits do not know the intended purpose of what they are making, knitting purely for pleasure or for social reasons. My guess is that only a few top brass in the organisation know the true agenda. The most likely suspects for this are Searly, Reagan, Costa, Kozyra, Melody Nelson, Melinda Packett, Cate, Grant, De Leon and Vandeloo. Some of these names may be aliases for the same person, but further research is required to confirm this.
medium message
The bee/swarm/hive analogy is fascinating. as is the fact these hives/pig huts were empty in their core. it would seems that whatever it is that lone wolf and nelson came across, donut law would apply. indeed the quality of adroitness would seem to be fairly machiavellian and indeed within the MO of the Obfuscationists.
I am not entirely sure how it all links in, particularly the witches and the wicks, though E H Gombrich once said "Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there". However, we would seem to be dealing with something which applies this theory in the opposite manner - something which is there but we can't see it. Perhaps writing up my findings from east cleveland would help to provide another aspect on the case.
Friday, 21 August 2009
In Response
you are doing it."
This sounds like a classic obfuscationist and manipulativist trick straight from the marketing department. Your supposition that it was a female using this technique suggests Costa/Cortez to me. The wolf in sheepswool clothing. But then, Parrish has been demonstrated also to have been involved in marketing with the military. Whether two people or one, the MO is the same, TBS.
The walk in the woods is fascinating and timeous. The message was what you found in the beehive; nothing more than the message. the message was what you sought...
The message is the honey and the bee.
The collection of floral fabrics by cargo cult road trips suggests to me the collection of nectar (and unintentionally, pollen) by bees, for transformation into honey back in the michigan hive. To feed new bees. But who is the Queen bee? Perhaps one of the adroit witches is a second queen, in which case, where has the swarm accompanied her to, in its search for a second hive?
Adroit Witch
Origins of the word Droitwitch...
Seems to be an amalgam of Adroit and Witch. Must've distilled from the two seperate words to A droitwitch and then dropped the A, so make Droitwitch on it'd own. We all know what the Witch bit means, but here's some basic info on Adroit 'from fav online wiktionary';
The ability to pretend to enjoy things which you dislike when it suits the individual's purpose.
Changing the way you act to satisfy a person with whom you are dealing.
Holding feelings in check if they might interfere with getting what you want from someone.
Trying to appear less informed then you actually are.
An ability to get the most out of people.
Enjoying being nice to others.
Changing others behaviour, without letting them know why or even that you are doing it.
as far as i know is no known link to Droitwich the place.
Fear and Boating in the Wolds
Originals have been lost/disappeared, anything not retained on reporter's body has been *compromised*. Laptop frozen and pens hard to find.
Strange. The reporter when writing this selection is not aware of the ongoing investigations on the part of The Three.
Fear and Boating in the Wolds.
Following the botched attempt to find Regan's abode, I'm stuck in Wolds village Inn trying to plan for the next two days. After soft drink option was followed in trying to fall in to locals favour Hexx was sought from bar...duly rendered much of the afternoon/evening incomprehensible. Did manage to drop into semi-understandable conversation with a man name Nelson Parks. He has was of an inditerminate age, somewhere beyond middle age, but unable to ascertain fully due to the obvious ravages of drink and time. Older than seemed, the eyes and faculties seemed to be pin sharp. Insistent. Conversation rambled, but some nuggets did appear, though veiled by the fog of Hexx and locally micro-brewed ales, things didn't take much shape. [at this stage notes were taken and during one extended toilet break, Mr Parks filled a notebook with complex diagrams and maps with statements, all seemed interlinked, but protracted discussion failed to illuminate further. this notebook is now disappeared/lost presumed destroyed - more info to follow].
Suffice, the journey looked doomed to nothing. However, through Parks there were two strong leads.
1. The second day of the Wolds stay coincided with the Open Gardens of the village. Mainly the opportunity to view a series of disgustingly rich people opulent rear vistas. Koi ponds, faux stone minarets, formal hedge work and electronically rotated summer houses synced to the rotation of the sun. However, after garden 'J', Parks suggested a detour. Across the main street lay a stile and narrow grassed area sandwiched between two high sandstone walls, leading toward seemingly solid hedge and bracken. Once the 50 yards of long grass had been traversed it became clear there was a small route through the overgrowth. Pushing through led to a small gravel path that led a short way toward a clump of trees - mainly Ash and silver Birch - the high stone walls ran along to the trees ahead and overgrown foliage seemed wild and free to block light [almost like the 'wild' climbers and been encouraged up the walls] nothing looked to have disturbed the area in a while, but the path seemed maintained. Once we arrived at the trees the path abruptly ended with no suggested path, but there seemed to be the remains of a series of paths through the knotty grass and weed. With an approximate left or right choice I looked at Parks and he shrugged, 'You pick' he offered. I went right and headed toward what seemed the most easily reachable route around the trees. 'This is the only thing Regan left...they won't want you to see won't make any sense though.' Parks was being wilfully confusing, but at the same time shed enough light on where we were. At least there seemed to be a point to it.
Either direction led to freedom from the walls and foliage, but imminent daylight seemed likely on my desired route. Eventually I found myself with Parks some several wheezy steps behind, at the top of a slight incline toward a relatively sized field. The wind blew patterns across the grass and the vague signs of paths through the grass led toward a series of structures. Small and almost lost in the grass, there seemed to be around 8 or 9 of them arranged in what looked like 5 'areas' - delineated by shakily constructed stone boundaries. I could swear it looked a scale model of the Great Lakes. I trudged through the grass to each structure and found them to be either old bee hives or what looked like the homes for pigs you see on farms along the roads in this part of yorkshire. all where empty and seemed to have been emptied with the intention of something to be eventually housed in them. One had a rough construction that looked to be intended to use water to power a turntable [this is my assumption]. In the grass it was hard to discern whether the grass had originally been kept short to go with the landscaping. But it does seem that whoever was meant to be here had to choose there own path, their own 'path of desire'. Before wandering back to the path and the village I tried one last hive, it had the phrase 'This is what you look for' scrawled on the side, but inside there was nothing.
2. Nelson Parks had further revelations on the final evening of my stay, as he revealed more on Regan's whereabouts. The village line seems to be that Regan has a residence - alluded to as Woolly Knoll - and is rarely here. Parks has a different take, and though this is his own version, there seems to be a veracity to his information. The sharpness of his presence and the insistence of his discussion...seems trustworthy. Either that, or he's looking for a juicy kickback...not sure how. The tale is that Regan did indeed have a getaway in the village, well, on the outskirts, but was regularly in residence. Until 5 maybe 6 years ago, when his crashed car was discovered on one of the lanes. Regan was never found. He disappeared... Additionally Parks seems to spell it Reagon. He never explained why. He also referred to Reagon/Regan as 'Surly Early' due to his demeanour... Draw your conclusions.
>> Current status of Lone wolf: trying to get re-sketches of remembered visuals of reporters notebook. It seems Hexx has blanked his recollections of the specifics <<
in response
people may have moved underground or perhaps they have all just been arrested and sit in prisons across the usa.
either way, this actually sounds like a cover for the soft michigan operation, now most likely expanded to the ring of activity we identified as the north-eastern donut. the project is going live now (just as the beards touched down in the uk and just as bss begin their us/canada tour - all beyond coincidence, no doubt. perhaps they have reached the stage where the project can no longer be kept from public view, so some 'official explanation' is required to cover up for noticeable activity.
i believe i may have major findings from whitby[boat] this weekend, including a brazenly open uk operational centre and much photographic evidence. will write up later.
am also wondering when lone wolf's 'mentally composed' email, the 'esoteric drawings' and the evidence he uncovered on 'regan's dalliance with the Fix' are going to be disseminated among the investigative team. they sound important with regard to the case.
Nobody Home
A man call Dan Kilby(?), working for US federal govt dept on replanning cities due to INCREASES IN EMPTY HOUSES. He is from Clint, Michigan. Cities being replanned/worked on included Cleveland Ohio, Baltimore, and Detroit. Methods included removing empty houses to increase garden space between houses. This was/is a major project (major enough to warrant item and interview on UK radio). It began under the bush administration, and now Obama is also using Dan to continue this work.
The question that occurs to me though, is where have all the people gone?? Or were these houses built but never occupied? In which case who got the sums wrong on population numbers etc, in these housing companies? Are there more people than we might think living in airstreams and teepees on the borders and the slabs? How many people live in soft michigan? Or in the waters of lake superior?
I don't know if a connection exists between the two Dans. Probably not,I feel.
You are right to pick up on the auburn hair dye receipts. Is the Melody/Melissa/Melinda/Belinda puzzle a case of two real people and two pseudonyms? Or three real people and one pseudonym? Or some other combination? What's real and what is pretend...?
I am currently researching postings concerning the michelson morley model.
Casebook Retrieval
note 1: The redhead girl in the CCTV footage identified by one of the Boston tech crew as Melody Nelson could she be one of the duo known as 'Melinda Packett'? I recall receipts for auburn hair colour being found at their bay area residence? Sounds like one of those coincidences I don't believe in.
Assuming this is the case, it would seem that there is frequent movement of personnel connected to this whole saga from north to south and east to west. The group seem to have connection in all corners of the continent and also south of the border. Vandeloo and De Leon seem to have moved around more than most people we are aware of in the case - Florida, Baton Rouge, Mexico, Wisconsin, probably Maine. I definitely think these guys are researchers/couriers with major connections moving across the landscape on a constant basis, probably running along differenty routes to the cargo cult already identified. I'm still not sure if they were truly soft core group or if they were government plants.
This moving around would facilitate posting correspondance from all over the US, allowing the group to never use the same address twice, appearing ubiquitous and without an operational centre. This is an organisation structured according to donut law. perhaps they themselves extend around the circumference of the planet and Searly could be anywhere. This is a classic obfuscationist technique, favoured by RC Christian as we have already seen.
One more thing: Dan Stairs. His name sounds so similar to 'downstairs'; it makes me think of basements. I think he could be a good lead. I shall investigate his presence in the Ohio region; preliminary enquiries show he has been spotted in the East Cleveland area.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Giants of Cinema
I sense the giants of cinema encountering a soundscape problem.
A carrier bag of fresh prawns from my man sustains me for two days.
Returning now to forage more case material.
Recent theories posted were truly noteworthy, unfortunately I can't remember anything about them.
There was something about a simultaneous transmission; a meeting of waves in the mid atlantic.
Yes, that's it. I will get my falafel contact to dig up the gossip behind scenes.
Open university beards on aged hippies, wearing cotton. It is 3 am.
BBC 2 is transmitting early whiteboard flipchart scenes.
Venn Graphs and Vanderrgraffs and vandeloos and vent gaffs.
Gotta do a pratfall when they've vanned all the graffs.
I wonder which continent Ellena Costa is in now.
Perhaps when all this is done we can go travel in a van over the plains, maybe grow some beens.
jump in a pool under a waterfall or something.
I feel that at least one of the michigan cotton pickers may be with us in the U of K.
My eyes are open. There is a girl wwoofing nearby who looks a little like melody nelson but I don't think for a minute it is her.
It's a while since I was last on the protest or festival circuit.
there are channels of communication there - easy to pick up scents.
falafels are on the menu. and veggie-meat burgers.
It kicks like it is fermenting or something.
Sam Ting says that the centre point of a magna-ring is a potential for strangeness.
He points out the example of the inside of a racing track.
How easy it would be, he says, to hide out in there...
It is believed that the group began in the early fifties US of A with links to the military. Post-war analysis showed that deception tactics were vital to the military success and, once the troops had come home, stories were soon in the air about how some maverick had planned the perfect dupe and gained a critical victory for his batallion. Equally, when a soldier fell, it was always due to the duplicity of the enemy rather than an error on a comrade's part or just sheer bad luck with the odds of a war theatre.
Long story short, in the post-war era there were lots of draftees who had learned to cultivate and depend on deception techniques for their survival who were now looking to integrate back into society. This is how many of the ideas at the root of the Obfuscationist movement came into the public domain. Some of these ex-servicemen went to college and others found steady jobs working for the man, many of them ending up in the growing sales and marketing industry during a boom time for mass production. Their learned instinct to capitalise on weakness and expand territory made them particularly suited to mass-maketing and time has revealed a great overlap between obfuscationist thinking and advertising techniques.
Some of those who drifted into the college scene at this time are likely to have been involved in the devlopment of the op-art experiments noted earlier. By the time the hippie/'Nam north/south split happened in the sixties, ofuscationist ideology was widely permeated throughout the civilian mindset. The movement, or at least its ideology, appears to trascend politics. Photos from Vietnam show grafittied obfuscationst symbology in the jungles of SE Asia as well as on college campuses and on placards and pin badges at peace festivals and protest in the US at a similar time.
John Nash's game theory crystallised many fundamentals of the Obfuscationist modus operandi and was soon latched onto by the marketeers to promote the idea of the anti-Droitwich fix. Worthless items sold for a high price, elevated to must-have status through marketing techniques. Among other things, such groups are known to hold responsibility for pointlessly overdeveloped items of basic functionality such as the five bladed razor and the electric toothbrush, pitching them to the public under a shroud of faux personality. Current projections estimate that products will be named after people within 5-10 years. In 20-25 years is is expected that people will be named after products.
So, the beards are coming to town. It seems our guitar-slinging cowboys are will be active in the UK at a similar time to Costa's Broken Social Scene hitting the Candian road. Is this coincidence? Not if Bob Palindrome's maxim is anything to go by; 'there's no such thing as coincidences; there's only incidences, and they all go in the casefile'. He also used to say 'a casefile is like a good stew; you chuck everything in there, keep a low heat on it and see what rises to the surface'. I always took this as a good metaphor but once I got to know the man I realised that he also meant it literally.
Once I had visted his apartment I soon realised that he would destroy old closed casfiles by boiling them up in a pan of water in his kitchen. This explained the scald marks on his hands I'd previously wondered about. The man, resourceful as ever, used this method of data erasion as it provided him with the raw material for his hobby of making lifesize paper mache sculptures of his favourite birds of prey. The man had these things, hand painted, all over his house. A bald eagle hung above the main doorway, neck craned down and beak out so as to almost peck your left eye out while you waited for the door to open. A pereguin falcon, wings hunched back in a dive pose sat on his bureau acting as a mail holder, envelopes stuffed between the two raised wings. I digress...
Although the dates of BSS and the beard troupe's performance are not the same, they are only a couple of weeks apart. There is the possibility of using winds, possibly the trade winds one of our investigators mentioned earlier, to allow the sound to travel over large distances. This obviously takes time. I am consulting Dr. Epstein on this and am waiting for confirmation, but rough calculations show that it is fairly likely the soundwaves from both touring circuits will collide and interact at some point around the start of august. Perhaps there is some underlying plan for the two soundwaves to mesh in a certain area, interfering with one another in a way similiar to that you tried to achieve with the dual spin sources.
This could be another Black Cat style experiment, done in reverse fashion to the dual particle example. This time, they are starting with two sources, which are intended to meet up in one location. causing some kind of effect or outcome.Due to the butterfly effect, turbulence, it is hard to predict with certainty the when and where or even if of what may happen, but Epstein did say 'it could be possible'. Of course, I may be looking in the wrong direction and this could just be nothing. If, on the other hand, it is the case, then we are dealing with some advanced Obfuscation techniques.
Monday, 6 July 2009
In Reply
Neil Young, CSN and Bruce Springsteen will all be in the same area of the UK over the same weekend, in about a fortnight’s time. I don’t have a ticket. It should be a good focal point for various forces, with an ancient Somerset tor and a pyramid-shaped stage increasing the transmission potential of energies from the locality. Meanwhile, today for me is a day of great strangeness and great liability for changes. I met and lingered with my old Australian soulmate last night, and the air seems ripe for a thunderstorm of sorts. I hope this will not be my last transmission, although it may be my last from this station. In the wee wee hours my mind gets hazy, radio relay towers lead me to my baby, the radio’s jammed up with talk show stations, it’s just talk talk talk talk till I lose my patience.
No liquid storage in Detroit, no gasoline in Minnesota, no fleece in Duluth. Just a big hole in a ground floor window of a Minneapolis cold water flat, and a three storey sub-ground parking lot empty of cars.
My man in Somerset may have more to report in 10 days time. My insider is doing the falafel scene on the festival circuit. He may recognise other regular faces from show to show – loitering by the jester hat stand; lingering on the edge of the jazz tent; hiding in bushes when famous people walk by…
The Nebraska Connection
So many elements have recently been attached to the case that this investigator is wondering where exactly he should be focussing his energies. Should I concentrate on closed-loop systems or be looking underground? Should I be looking for leads relating to Stairs' activities in Ohio or be trying identify large areas in the Detroit region with the potential for large-scale liquid storage/absorption? Should I be looking south of the border or walking the statelines? there are so many angles to this case that a 3D rendering of it would be one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever undertaken by man; up there with the Georgia Guidestones or a planet-sized particle acceleration donut. Perhaps Searly already knows how the case will end and is building such a 3D case model in his bungalow on the outskirts of Boston?
With regard to your planet-sized nut theory, I do not know how feasible this is, or what the capabilities could be, but it strikes me now that perhaps donut law applies to Black Cat. Remember, this was an experiment with an unidentified central location - perhaps this central point is as invisible and non-physical as the centre of a donut and as such may never be found. Perhaps it is, as one investigator suggested, actually in space, and therefore 'empty' by common standards.
Last night, while listening to Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska LP, I picked up on the following points in the song Highway Patrolman, which I feel echo elements of our case...
The song tells the story of two brothers from Ohio and involves a scene where the patrolman of the title chases a suspect in a Buick through Michigan, deliberately allowing it to escape over the Canadian border as it is being driven by his brother.
Hearing this sequence of events unfold in the song immediately made me think of the case: The chased Buick and activity in Michigan and Ohio having particular resonance, along with an escape over the Canadian borderline.
This brings to my mind the idea that perhaps Searly was 'allowed' to 'disappear' intentionally by at least one individual or some small splinter group within the larger operational group. This would imply different members of the group had/have different agendas. The most likely explanation for this is, as suspected, that both an independent group and the military were working in the same area of operation; either working to the same aim but with a different agenda, or working in a similar field with different aims.
I am leaning toward the idea that either the military started the operation, recruiting help from academia circles who, somewhere along the way, began to use the operation for different ends to the military's intention, or the Michigan craft club started proceedings which the military subsequently became aware of and infiltrated for their own purposes. Of course, the two groups could have had the same idea independently at the same time. Perhaps this is the case and Project31 is related to the Black Cat experiment[s] in this way.
As explained here, the Nebraska LP is actually made from the Boss' own 4-track home recordings rather than been done in a studio. Such an approach ties in with Costa's recroding methods, as heard on the mixtapes so far discovered. The song is set in the '60s but was actually written and released in the early '80s, which would have been an influential period for members of the Michigan soft-core, many of them being in the adolesence at this point. More details of the song's content can be found here. As explained here, the song was used as the basis for the film 'The Indian Runner' released in 1991, again a likely period of influence for Project 31 members.
Springsteen hails from New Jersey, which falls within the bounds of our theorised North-eastern donut of activity and is a likely candidate to have had influence on members of the Michigan group at a critical period prior to the project's beginnings. With Neil Young being from Canada and Dylan from Duluth, it would seem that we are looking in the right area, musically speaking. Even Monk hails from North Carolina, which borders on the South-eastern edge of our theorised donut of activity. I'm sure even this great jazz pianist has held a harmonica to his lips on occasion.
Planetary Ring
The suggestion was that a submerged ring shaped (or donut shaped!) particle accelerator constructed right around the circumference of the earth would be the biggest achieveable and would be capable of splitting into the heart of bosons and beyond. It was suggested that if it was lined up to gain the additional speed of the earth's spin AND the additional magnetic propulsion force of the earth's magnetic poles/core, then it would be a truly great particle accelerator. I never heard any more of the supposition. CERN took over as top 'nut, and the MIT facilities were soon enough made obsolete and mothballed. But a 'nut that size - now that could be capable of splitting gravity particles, time particles, thought particles and god knows what else... I don't suppose for a minute that this is what they are building down there. But then who knows. It's possible. What's to stop them? I mean, what's to stop them?
If a civilisation built a 'nut right around the circumference of a galaxy - now that could be far reaching. I recall the piece in New Teenage Metaphysical postulating the interstellar stick to relay information in contravention of Einstein's special theory. I must do the maths on what exactly a ring that big could do.