Thursday, 12 November 2009

Pink Wafer Biscuits and Animal Relief for Bruce

gloucester, home of the lush meadows of laurie lee, the dreamy forgotten mists of dawn cowslips. enjoy. dig deep.

last night I met up with my man and her partner. I acquired gin and ginger beer. they acquired herbal german liqueur and pink wafer biscuits (a staple of their strict vegetarian dietary regime - no real panthers used, just beetroot). her update: she spent a night in a glasgow travel-tavern with a loose-bladdered dog on her chest, in order to catch boss beard springsteen, recently. A good concert by all accounts. A group of glaswegians near her swooned a chant of Brooooce through openings of most songs. Bird shat on one of their arms. She wiped it off for them on basis that it would have ended up on her otherwise.

So, the semiological content of this fable concerns animals relieving themselves on people - first the bird, later the old dog. I don't know what it means yet, but it must mean something...

Records not yet obtained - they have no wheels except bicycle. I may have to collect later in the year. the supplier is in no rush for the payment. I'll pass on stills request.
killer hangover today at work.

sir laurie lee

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