Friday, 4 September 2009

In Reply

Well, you were wondering who was the queen bee - perhaps it is this 'sonia'.
Sounds like a heavy player in the woollen realm. I once worked with a girl whose surname was 'Woollen' - if only she was still around, she could no doubt shed much light on the origins of the case [I forget how it started], going by the historical device of surnames being based on job types [baker, miller, 'smith etc.]

Pink drinks are a fave of Kingsbury PI - mainly rose wine, but any kind of cocktail which sits in the pinkish range of hues will suffice to make her eyes light up. not sure what dacquaris have in them spart from strawberry, though you do get other flavours nowadays, but the strawb was the original. i used to drink them at scruffy's bar in the lace market back in my youth. good afternoon refeshers. Perhaps the raspberry drink i was fond of in dogma was also a dacquari, i forget now, this was many years ago, back when i shaved my own head every 2 weeks to save on barber's bills.

let me know what leads you have in paris - myself and kingsbury pi are scheduled to make a non-case realted visit there early sept, but if aspects of the case need investigating there, we could do so. it strikes me that paris is famous for its catacombs, so there maybe be some franco connection with the south american llama crowd.

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