Friday, 21 August 2009

Adroit Witch

Info on the Droitwitch Fix.

Origins of the word Droitwitch...

Seems to be an amalgam of Adroit and Witch. Must've distilled from the two seperate words to A droitwitch and then dropped the A, so make Droitwitch on it'd own. We all know what the Witch bit means, but here's some basic info on Adroit 'from fav online wiktionary';

Social Adroitness is a personality trait measured in the Jackson Personality Inventory [1].It assesses the ability to manipulate your own behavior in order to get what you want from others. It differs from psychopathy in that the adroitness is not intrinsically narcissistic or manipulative, but refers rather to the set of social skills that allow one to work with others prodictively. In that sense it is closeley related to conceptions of emotional intelligence.Tools of adroit behavior include flattery, indirection, listening, circumspection, reciprocal altruism, politeness and strategic reasoning.
Example behaviors associated with adroitness include:
The ability to pretend to enjoy things which you dislike when it suits the individual's purpose.
Changing the way you act to satisfy a person with whom you are dealing.
Holding feelings in check if they might interfere with getting what you want from someone.
Trying to appear less informed then you actually are.
An ability to get the most out of people.
Enjoying being nice to others.
Changing others behaviour, without letting them know why or even that you are doing it.
My reasoning is that it must have been applied to a female demonstrating one or more of the above traits - most likely derogatorily - and has then somehow become woven into the further investigation highlighted by yr good selves.

as far as i know is no known link to Droitwich the place.

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