Wednesday 4 May 2011

Multi-dimensional crochet & campus deliveries

hmmm.... The crochet/yoga angle is an interesting one. Perhaps the yogic prep is key to the outcomes of the hook. Maybe the exercise is no mere pre-stitch warm up, this flexing could be flexing fibres, not muscles, a la don genaro, allowing the practitioners to tap into other realms/dimensions [possibly one of the curled up dimension thought to be universally hidden in calabi-yau shapes], which allows them to execute crochet manouveres otherwise impossible. in short, they may be knitting in more than 3 dimensions, but we 3-D dwellers may not be able to see it. Perhaps this is why you struggled to understand the finely woven structures of your dutch associate.

For my part here, I have been trying to find and/or contact Dan Stairs. I feel he may hold information which may help unravel this whole mystery. Campus-based investigations have led me to discover the daily deliveries of large cardboard boxes, which seem suspiciously light for their size when one observes the delivery men carrying them. Enquiries with the receptionist allowed me to learn that such deliveries are 'for the Knitting Society'. I did not possess sufficient front to begin opening the boxes there and then, so cannot confirm their specific content, but the lightness of the boxes suggest woollen thread [or perhaps pre-knitted structures , possibly to be joined together into yet larger structures] and the amount of them being delivered daily implies a large-scale operation. I shall keep my eyes and ears peeled for possible evidence of their purpose.

The thought now occurs to me that the point of the softness could be exactly that - it is not rigid, but flexible; possibly flexible enough to be bent into space dimensions beyond our familiar 3. Perhaps the soft michigan group are attempting to [or even successfullly] building a new softer world in a new dimension which the average joe is not aware of. I must confer with Epstein on this matter. I am sure Stairs could also shed light on this were he to be found, but would he be willing?

Mr. Marbles

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