Tuesday 30 June 2009

The Detroit Wick

Droitwich could be some kind of conflation of Detroit and something else. I suspect this purely because the location of Detroit is within the geogrphical boundaries of the heart of the investigation.

The Detroit witch? The Detroit Wick ('wick' being how i believe 'wich' is pronounced) could be some sort of device for draining a great lake by wicking away its water content to somewhere else (in Detroit?), thus allowing the water level to remain at the same height even as large scale habituations are sunk beneath the surface, combatting the physically obvious sign of water displacement which would otherwise surely give the game away.

But then, Lone Wolf, our UK-based agent, has mentioned esoteric drawings and scans of some nature, which may perhaps explain the role of Droitwich better than we could imagine.

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