Friday, 12 March 2010

More on EPPS...

More on EPPs, or so I think…

I currently have my fly-fishing guru staying nearby. He is in a tent somewhere in the region, but came by the caseroom for a couple nights including poker and records Sunday pm. Monopoly money. He got the stash but restricted pot with pinks and oranges removed halfway through for early bedtime, in my defence. No bluffing going on anywhere. Have you ever been in the Forest Café? He asks me. Naturally, such a hive of eco-villainy, soft seating and fair-trade coffee would have come to my attention. I have smuggled whisky into it on occasions(enforced alcohol ban after previous troubles) and quizzed the usual suspects within on bus/train survices to Gleneagles on G8 day. So, I tell him I know the place. He reports that they recently had a display up – a photographic display no less, documenting a mysterious project – a project that I find hard to believe, if I hadn’t been listening with my own ears to a direct witness of the displays. The project, supposedly, has happened in other urban areas, and is now taking place in Edinburgh. The nature of the project is the introduction into URBAN AREAS of wild animals. The examples mentioned were foxes and wolves. I suspect it may be a hoax, but then, I feel it warrants further thought and investigation. If it IS true, then Contact B’s secret fox in a location revealed to this investigator may be part of this project. But once again, out comes the old neglected question. WHY?

Here, my guru was helpful. (Noteworthy also that my guru is fresh from study in the field of rural planning.) Apparently, he says, the intention is to bring the country back into the town and city – to re-nature the urban environment. But releasing wolves into built up areas?? Foxes I could believe. I must search that ever-dependable murky backstreet the internet, and slip the shoeshine guy some pennies…

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