Thursday, 18 March 2010

Unprovoked speculation...

foxes are common as the pigeon in most urban centres/suburban areas; like a world famous celeb they need no introduction. used to watch a family of them living on garage rooves out the back of my ex-ex-residence. oft bumped into when crossing the road home after late night sessions at jason's place. them frozen in the road, not expecting to be interrupted from their scavenge at 3am. but regardless, indeed WHY?

re-naturising the urban area may be a possible motivation for the woollen warriors we are investigating.

must admit, am struggling to make much progress in the case; am suffering from time restrictions and internet backalley connectivity problems both at work and at home. laptop battery issues making simple tasks difficult. freelance project and band development soaking up time and energy like wool soaks up water. it may be a month or so before i have the time, mental space and resources to develop the case further. it occurs to this investigator that perhaps the michigan group are trying to knit a new, softer American Dream to replace the spikily deviated one which has appeared to have taken over since the Nixon era. This is based on unprovoked speculation without even so much as spam, gossip or a made-up name to back it up. It may be a breakthrough in the case or be completely inconsequential.

interestingly, i learned recently of a fabric spinning device known as the 'water frame'.

this may be a connection, it may not. i am not sure how the roads link up.

cotton-eye joe

Crying wolf...

Just been to the shoeshine. Collar up I squeezed through the trashcans and found the usual alley fire escape steps with the smells of curry and laundry. Jack the Squid hasn’t heard anything about wolves. Foxes, yes. He mentioned an Edinburgh University rabies research scene that he figured might be involved in the rumours I put past him. But I think whoever posted this information in the Forest Café was crying wolf. I might see if my EPPS man has put any new shots in his gallery lately...

Friday, 12 March 2010

More on EPPS...

More on EPPs, or so I think…

I currently have my fly-fishing guru staying nearby. He is in a tent somewhere in the region, but came by the caseroom for a couple nights including poker and records Sunday pm. Monopoly money. He got the stash but restricted pot with pinks and oranges removed halfway through for early bedtime, in my defence. No bluffing going on anywhere. Have you ever been in the Forest Café? He asks me. Naturally, such a hive of eco-villainy, soft seating and fair-trade coffee would have come to my attention. I have smuggled whisky into it on occasions(enforced alcohol ban after previous troubles) and quizzed the usual suspects within on bus/train survices to Gleneagles on G8 day. So, I tell him I know the place. He reports that they recently had a display up – a photographic display no less, documenting a mysterious project – a project that I find hard to believe, if I hadn’t been listening with my own ears to a direct witness of the displays. The project, supposedly, has happened in other urban areas, and is now taking place in Edinburgh. The nature of the project is the introduction into URBAN AREAS of wild animals. The examples mentioned were foxes and wolves. I suspect it may be a hoax, but then, I feel it warrants further thought and investigation. If it IS true, then Contact B’s secret fox in a location revealed to this investigator may be part of this project. But once again, out comes the old neglected question. WHY?

Here, my guru was helpful. (Noteworthy also that my guru is fresh from study in the field of rural planning.) Apparently, he says, the intention is to bring the country back into the town and city – to re-nature the urban environment. But releasing wolves into built up areas?? Foxes I could believe. I must search that ever-dependable murky backstreet the internet, and slip the shoeshine guy some pennies…

In response...

i was just about to pick out the same quote based on the same thought. maybe jaywalker socks are designed to leave an unidentifiable footprint so suspects cannot be positively identified or traced. maybe they cover up the foot-scent to avoid sniffer-dog detection.

Jaywalker Socks

Lots of new sock yarn in!
I am knitting a pair of Jaywalker socks out of the Berroco Sox and they are turning out fabulous!

This makes me think of the jaywalking discussed previously as a means of seeing the real locations of urban areas and living outside the road system to see where they’ve really got us boxed up.

What are jaywalker socks, I wonder? What special features? The warmth and comfort of hiking socks I assume, maybe in urban camouflage colours – greys and browns.

Luke Jaywalker

Whitby Yarn

Check out the blog of the Whitby Ontario wool shop. ‘taking yarn forward’. No surprise.

Another aside

Just recently been informed by papa pig that 'if you want to be a detective you've got to have a hat; all detectives wear hats'.
Peppa and George are then quickly fitted with 2 perfect trilbyesque affairs, one earth brown, one leaf green.
Which leads me to believe I must acquire a decent hat.

An aside

As my old friend Palindrome used to say, an old towel always dries you the best.
Still not sure what he was implying there, but it sure as hell is true.

origins of phenomena

I think the origins of all phenomena actually date back to before the fifties. Perhaps actually the beginning of time, if the universe emanated from a point source temporally. But I grasp the nub of your point.

I think Epstein is onto something. I am mid geosemiotic research following the shape patterns of the UK which repeat at different scales, mainly along the south-west to north east axis as featuring in the US side of the case. I currently live roughly in the location of Lampeter in the NW UK version of Wales, and have located the nearby version of Lundy Island, which is supposedly the location hinted at by the right angle triangle formed with Stonehenge and the Mountain Source of Stonehenge stones.

I’m not sure what I’m hoping to find. Perhaps a hidden miniature henge or beacon in a key location. But the land-mass as beacon angle is new to me and sounds plausible.

Totem Poles in Suburbia

As Virginia Woolf said, meaning is a hazy kernel coated in a mystery shrouded in an enigma. Or something like that. To me, cold cases are like totem poles growing in gardens in suburbia. They are the best things to climb up to see the view.

Sound theories

All sound theories, no doubt. Wight was happening way before '70, but apparently on a small scale. The first one was actually justa folk group playing to their neighbours from their back garden. It only made it onto the Map of Happenings once the 'Big Zee' (Dylan) appeared there ('69 - apparently he chose the UK festival as he was living in the woodstock area at the time and 'couldn't be doing with all those hippies hanging around trying to catch a glimpse of me through the curtain crack as i try on various hats and practice my cane twirling'). After that, it grew to become the UK music mecca, hence most people only being aware of it from '70 onwards, the year Hendrix and the Doors flew in from over the pole on a big airliner.

Epstein once told me how the combination of the right resonant frequency and decibel level can cause massive amplitude soundwaves to eminate from small landmasses - they lierally vibrate like a speaker. He suggests it is possible that The Isle of Wight itself was the amplification device utlizied for the transatlantic transmission, hence it's choice as an operational location.

As for Westcoast based soundsources, who knows? perhaps the donut ring soundwave theory (DRST) is correct, perhaps it was an attempt to impede the advancement of oriental/asian superpowers via means of sonic supression or rhythmic/harmonic mind control.

Monterey is definitely worth investigation. Previous research of other angles of the case seem to dovetail back to the '50s, so I am guessing the origins of all phenomena relevant to the case date back to this time at the very earliest. Anything new borne of the late '50s-early '60s is a worthy candidate of suspicion.


In response...

I didn’t know there’d been an Isle of Wight in 69. I thought 70 had been the first. My old delicatessen acquaintance Esme was the result of a meeting at a train station of a man and a woman both en route to Isle of Wight. Also, I now have a close musical acquaintance who hails from Isle of Wight and played at least one festival there (not the Hendrix one I believe). Hendrix’s Wight ‘70(?) 20 minute Red House, which was largely the basis of John Peel’s questioning along the lines of ‘what’s the big fuss about this guy all about?’, featured on a mix tape delivered by hand to Agent Lone Wolf circa 1994, and is thought not to have raised serious emotions in said agent.

I believe Glastonbury Tor acts as the transmitter for the sound waves over the Atlantic in 2009. I wonder if a similar transmitter was utilised at Isle of Wight. Perhaps the strange wires (fence?) in the far reaches of the field, as seen in background on live Hendrix recording, acted as an amplification system. Then perhaps the natural bowl shape of the festival site acted something like the Marske, East Cleveland concrete sound wave amplification dish used to listen in to conversations over the North Sea, and bounce the waves against the atmosphere and over the ocean.

I wonder why a West coast location, by the pacific, was used to transmit waves meeting in the mid atlantic. Perhaps the waves actually form a donut ring around the planet, crossing both oceans?

The Monterey Pop Festival (67?) must have been a forerunner to both. Perhaps it linked up with Hyde Park, but I’d have to check dates.

A similar scene - festival syncronicity

Sounds like a similar scene to our roadtrip gang under investigation.

It occurred to this investigator recently that the mid-atlantic interference pattens hypothesized as being the reason behind the recent almost concurrent US/UK festival presence of BSS and various beards may have been tried before: Woodstock and the Isle of Wight festivals in 1969 were a similar length of time apart. It has been suggested to this investigator that perhaps woodstock/isle of wight was an initial experiment to create interference patterns from the drifting soundwaves of the two transatlantic sound sources. It is unknown whether the experiment was successful, but it seems a similar experiment may have been attempted by costa and various associates in the music scene this summer. Purpose of purported experiment remains unknown but such interference patterns are thought to have the potential to confuse global radar systems.