Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Oregon Laybys

I believe I heard a rumour circa 2004 that some frenetic activity up and down Oregon coastline was resulting in a semi-permanent presence of at least 5 camper vans in a number of laybys overlooking the pacific, but different vans every night. The vans just kept on changing, but the people looked pretty much exactly the same each time. Weird…’ I recall somebody saying to me.


A ‘Kitty Black’ is recorded to have taken part in a trade fair in the Appalachians in February 2007, where s/he sold novelty earmuffs from a stall, under the unregistered company name Lake Pleasant Ski Supplies. Kitty first surfaced, however, in the summer of 2002 as an outsider on the winter sports scene in Oregon.
A paper calling for the increased reintroduction of rail transportation of freight as opposed to transportation by road, along the western seaboard, was published in a 2004 US lobbying periodical, under the name K Black. While seemingly unrelated, this is suspected by one source to be a deliberate attempt by the same K Black to reintroduce the ‘midnight ghost’ freight-jumping shuttle route as a viable mode of transport for her and her associates. “With a rucksack full of earmuffs even a boxcar roof or a flatbed is an option”, she is quoted as saying. I wonder if she may have met up with the Michigan set at some trade fair or at some wool supplies store… I also wonder if the attempt to pressure for the increase in rail freight between Washington State and California may be as much to do with potential cargo in the box cars, rather than just the potential human riders on the roofs…

Friday, 13 November 2009

Shoddy journalism...

So many conspiracy theories are based upon shoddy journalists not going that step beyond the first port of call to CHECK SOURCES. I have just looked online to try to find out more about the preposterous chicken based society, and found NO REFERENCE WHATSOEVER to any such society ever existing above deck in the region in question. I can only conclude that Agent L made the whole thing up, including the descriptives of sophomores inflating marigolds and running through the town holding them to their heads, possibly to test my journalistic integrity in the face of my desire to grasp more leads. Or else possibly, that descriptive and title were her subconscious’s construct, as a means of hiding the truth that she was involved in something much more concrete and terrifying…

A New Insight

New insight: Agent L, a close personal friend and my personal knitting tutor, is currently researching cult escapees, having speed-read several autobiographical accounts by escapees. I suspect that Agent L may herself be a cult escapee, having heard her talk of a mysterious ‘dancing chicken society’ – a cult group now defunct (or else gone underground??) that had been based on the same campus that also saw the demise of the darkside goth society. I don’t like to ask her too much on the subject of the chicken dance, as it may have been a psychologically damaging episode for her which she may not be ready to talk about. She may even have subconsciously blocked it from her mind – forgotten it happened, or else projected it onto ‘someone else’, believing it happened to somebody other than herself. Either way, this personal experience of cult involvement, even if forgotten and buried deep in her subconscious, would be invaluable in her investigations. Unless this personal involvement brings her too close to that particular field of study… At present her research is centring on quasi-religious groups such as the Latterday Saints, but I feel the area is close enough to the Michigan to Whitby wool scene to be of great interest.

Mormon Norman

Theory One

Rereading: “a simultaneous transmission; a meeting of waves in the mid atlantic”.

This makes me think of recent Atlantis discovery.

I wonder if they are sending waves from each shore to meet over the submerged ruins. The 90's computer game Ecco the Dolphin was awash with hidden symbolism and deep plot, and featured crystal information storage used by the Atlanteans, being re-accessed by wave transmission against the side of the crystals. I wonder if that may be involved here.

Theory one.
The underground are trying to build a safe haven for their own activities and for their own survival, in the face of pressures such as marketeer-led culture change.
[Case in point: recent undercover visit to a university campus revealed that the old goth society, cloaked as an RPG, fantasy, sci-fi and horror society, had ceased to exist, now having as its nearest apparent replacement a ‘rock society’ – a sure sign of that underground being sterilised and ‘rationalised’ by the media filter; velvet and striped tights being replaced by labelled black t-shirts and loose loose jeans.]
The military are meanwhile trying to depopulate the surface of the planet as per guidestone ambitions, by rehousing the masses underground or underwater without them being aware of it.
One may be caused by the other or not. ie. Both motives and ambitions may be independent of each other, or else the fringe element may be reacting to the military project, possibly having become aware of it through the cyberhippies’ experiences with military marketing boot camps.

I had previously supposed, however, that the military were reacting to the fringe, and had suspected that any fringe element dabbling in military marketing were to some extent scabs, sell-outs, richies (rich bill gates type ex-hippies)… Perhaps, on this new angle, the likes of Melissa Parrish in fatigues never abandoned their ideals and were reading from the establishment’s rulebook to learn how to operate within the system; armouring themselves in the weaponary of the opposition.

Alhough I suspect many of the military industrial weapons for media warfare and control were originally gleaned from the student population who in the words of Jack Bruce were ‘leaning leaning to the right’.

The fourth man


Indeed, so far we have negelected the 'why?' angle of the investigation. What foolish amateurs we are; how can we possibly crack the case without understanding the motivations behind the activity so far discovered? Indeed, a stream of wild theories as to why both the military and a fringe group of unknown definition would both want to create a soft replica of a whole american state and/or sink the original one in a vast lake would be most welcome.

Time to go back to basics, shake our brains and see what falls loose. I think this is what has been holding the case back.

btw, I misquoted our GM - he actually said ""you can achieve anything as long as you don't know that it is impossible"

this zen phrase has now been printed out and adorns walls and doors around the building. It speaks to me of the power of the will - if there is nothing to impede your will, you can achieve the impossible. Such a motto may be useful in cracking the case at hand.

Radio Quietness

Just been onto my home account to catch up with dispatches.

So… Atlantis discovered. It just needs a martian face and some dubious geometry now.

Katty Black: I assume this must be an insider contacting us. Do you know if she is UK based, US or other?

The Russian connection: HAARP. Having previously investigated a northern UK installation with Agent Lone Wolf and partner, and seen similar signage used to scare away unwanted tourists from what was merely (I say merely, but who knows) an aquatic bio-research/development facility, I know that the heavy handed red capital letters may not always be justified. I am unsure of the purpose of HAARP activities, but the suggestions, particularly moon-bouncing, suggest to me something military or industrio-political. It reminds me of Tesla’s ground-breaking wireless energy-transfer system that was swiftly hushed up and put in the freezer.

The North has a strong mysterious-force quotient, largely associated with the earth’s magnetic activity. The two poles differ in that the south has a land mass – the shape of which can be seen to spiral around the centrifugal spin force of the earth, while the north pole has water, but then a crust of ice – the surrounding land masses form a ring, from Siberia to Baffin Island, Greenland, Norway... Perhaps the North is more useful for this reason.

UFO activity: I am interested in the L. Baikal report. I have witnessed a slide show on said Lake, and it is indeed an intriguing place.

I feel that besides magnetism, the north polar region is also high in mysterious force simply because it is dark so much. Everybody knows that spooky things happen in the dark… It’s the best time for secret groups of otherworldly beings to conduct activities without being seen…

As for Caribbean activity, my good friend Timothy Good reports at length on the hidden base located on Puerto Rico.

Myself – since radio quietness I have been considering a new question to use as a benchmark against case developments past and present. We have been exploring the what, how, who and when. I feel that it would be of great benefit to understanding what is at play here if we tackle the question ‘why?’.

The quiet man

The Worcester Source

Interesting yr man Regan resides in Worcester Masachusetts.

Droitwich is in worcestershire, uk. Must be one of those coincidences i don't believe in?

Our man in havana.

A pretty good start for daily operations...

I check Wired most days, it's a pretty good start for daily operations...

This isn't the Regan I'm looking for. I hope. [link to Massechusets obituary for an Earl Regan.]

I'll look for Atlantis...

Hail, Atlantis

Thanks for the update.

No need to apol.

Thanks for the link - have you read the w'pedia entry on HAARP? or seen it on google earth? I had a brief fixation [2 evenings] with military radar installations last year and found some good stuff on HAARP.

How many hrs a week do you spend reading

A friend last night showed me on google earth where he thinks atlantis can be seen under the sea [just west of the canaries if you fancy checking it out - follow the straight lines [roads?] across the seabed until you get to the 200mile square etchings which look like a city outline. Could be...

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Life Aquatic

Apologies for current hiatus ... findings to divulge shortly...

life aquatic?

excerpt from here, with account of possible sub-aquatic life/community in Siberia [not too far from NW Canada]...

The Russian Navy has declassified its records of UFO encounters, many of which take place in or around water, reports the Web site of the English-language Russian news channel Russia Today.
“They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea,” said one naval intelligence officer quoted by the Web site.
Another incident cited involved six unknown objects that followed a nuclear submarine in the Pacific. When the sub surfaced, so did the objects — which then lifted themselves out of the water and flew away.
In perhaps the most compelling account, military divers in Siberia’s Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, encountered “a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits” at a depth of 160 feet. Three humans died during the ensuing chase.

Now, I'm not saying this relates the case, but it makes the idea of a submerged city/culture seem more feasible.

'Russian Doll'

Katty Black

good detective work, detective.
both explanations seem eminently plausible to this investigator and thus i can indiciate no preference for either theory. Members of fringe groups are generally outsiders who struggle in the early years to relate to their peers due to developing at a different rate to the average child [either faster or slower than]. This leads to them drifting away from the pack, often becoming 'outsiders' and developing obscure interests. This idea is reinforced by the fact Searly is obviously involved in some kind of fringe movement, so it seems likely he was either a precocious child or a late developer.

Late development would fit the first theory; a precocious child, the second. A selection of Beefheart's recordings include the sound of a child's voice, laughter or other noises. Could this be a yound Searly we are hearing? If so, the question remains; how did a two-year old fall into Beefheart's circle? How did they become aquainted? Perhaps the pulse/veg dietary regime was installed in the band to allow food to be easily pulped into babyfood as required. Perhaps the captain thought that a toddler held the answers he was searching for in his art and, at this time, was actually taking guidance and direction from the child?

This investigator has been rather distracted from the case recently but intends to shift focus back to it throughout the week.

One thing: I cannot remember if I informed all members of the team of a contact made by email a few weeks back. I received a message from a 'Katty Black' which simply said 'I like this blog'. The similarity to Black Cat is remarkable. Is this someone trying to contact us with useful information regarding to the fabled experiment, or is this someone from the Black Cat team just letting us know that they are aware of our investigation as some form of taunt?

Walt Whatman?

The Uncomformity

I have located an apparent anomaly in the geotemporal record. If Searly really had a close acquaintance with Captain Beefheart during the timeof pulse diet adherence, this could not be the same searly as the teenage poet who released Octopiithagoas in 82.
Or could it?
Two possibilities occur to me, which could maintain the supposition that both events occured and involved the same man, without upsetting the timeline with anachronicity.
The first is that a much older Searly entered the poem in thecompetition. If so, the psychological profile of Searly would change - a 25+ yr old writing such a poem, or just entering such a poem that hemay have written while teenage, would be a very different person fromthat envisaged before, perhaps a late developer, or an individual havingthe syndrome which results in childlike (or in this case teenage) tendencies and mentality into adult life.
(Or alternatively, the poem may have been written by a teenage Searly and entered by someone else who had acquired the poem. I personally dismiss this for now.)
The second possibility is that a teenage Searly did write the poem in 82, and an infant Searly spent time with Beefheart in say 69-72. I imagine a 2 year old Searly telling the captain 'no, captain, don't do it that way...'. The influence of a 2 year old Searly could explain much of Beefheart's output during that period.

Boston Social Scene

I checked out review of BSS lake tahoe gig in NME – on same page was a feature on a file sharing trial in BOSTON. Also, as reinforcement, while sleepy on the sofa looked up to see a neighbour’s kid standing looking at me in a sweater with BOSTON written on it in big letters.
I can only suppose that BSS originally stood for / secretly stands for Boston Social Scene.
Or even Boston Stiching Society?
As for the file trial – the kids are getting stitched up for millions by the Man. I must present the case for defence. Care of a piece from the mysterious legal journal, ‘Common Law’ which follows the following basic thrust – Sell someone beans, they can sell them on, or they can grow hundreds more beans from them and sell them on. Without a signed or handshook agreement not to do so – a joint contract – then beans, books, music, words, pictures, should all follow the same path. Anything else is absurd. I still haven’t printed off my ‘home taping is killing music T-shirt with the tape and crossbones logo. I must. The bean companies know that they could never stop farmers regrowing, selling, regenerating etc. beans, through LEGAL channels – that’s why they engineer species to give off sterile fruit, along with being resistant only to brand X pesticide, etc. But they are trying to copyright genomes now. Not sure where things stand on that. Must research. Who holds my DNA copyright? Who’s gonna want a copy? Where’s the Xerox machine, Spock?

My Man has a hong kong acquaintance who represents big business and sues the ass of the little people. The devil’s advocate?

I though Happy was younger? Or was he so much older then, and younger than that now?

Enjoy lushness. I watched half of magical mystery tour yestereve. Charabanc ride in England green – I recall big charabanc trip in cider with rosie – Gloucester to Weston super-mare I think. Rolling meadow unfolds.

Despatches from Gloucester

currently in gloucester. lush and green indeed. i think a lot of rain falls here.

just set up a 'test election' asking voters to pick a candidate based on the question 'who is ronald searly?'

zac happy seems to be leading in the current vote stakes. it had crossed my mind that he was searly on the DL.

on the way down here, drove past droitwich. must only be about 20 miles from there as i type. eyes are peeled for examples of re-use and extreme fixes.

more later. maybe.

hugh laurie lee

Pink Wafer Biscuits and Animal Relief for Bruce

gloucester, home of the lush meadows of laurie lee, the dreamy forgotten mists of dawn cowslips. enjoy. dig deep.

last night I met up with my man and her partner. I acquired gin and ginger beer. they acquired herbal german liqueur and pink wafer biscuits (a staple of their strict vegetarian dietary regime - no real panthers used, just beetroot). her update: she spent a night in a glasgow travel-tavern with a loose-bladdered dog on her chest, in order to catch boss beard springsteen, recently. A good concert by all accounts. A group of glaswegians near her swooned a chant of Brooooce through openings of most songs. Bird shat on one of their arms. She wiped it off for them on basis that it would have ended up on her otherwise.

So, the semiological content of this fable concerns animals relieving themselves on people - first the bird, later the old dog. I don't know what it means yet, but it must mean something...

Records not yet obtained - they have no wheels except bicycle. I may have to collect later in the year. the supplier is in no rush for the payment. I'll pass on stills request.
killer hangover today at work.

sir laurie lee

pastures green...

okay detectives, just a quick note to say i am off to gloucester for a couple of days. expect radio silence and case developments.

Good Earl Bad Earl: Subtle Psych Treatments

Good earl bad earl
If any real patients heard anything they shouldn’t – who would believe them anyway?

A psych clinic would undoubtedly be a good enlistment ground for disciples/stooges to use as gophers, message senders, disseminators, rumour spreaders, sleepers or patsies, whether unwitting or not… Recall lone gunmen enlisted and utilised through hypnosis and similar psych ‘treatments’. But then, I think what we have been working with here has been more subtle psych treatments en masse, rather than on specific individuals for specific high impact actions. In the flicks the hypnotist is usually the bad guy – sinister manipulator of the foolish or unfortunate, with the appearance of the charlatan and the slick manners of a snakecharmer. The smooth talker who’ll use you as a brick in some fabulous illusory pyramid scheme then be gone leaving nothing but a gloved fingerprint. I’ve never seen Searly as wearing that cape before.
Perhaps there is a good Searly and a bad Searly. Whether a double act or not. Unless one is real and the other is seen in a magician’s mirror.

Of course Earl Regan may be the UK counterpart of the same man, or just the Searly Doll UK dead letter drop-point for message pick-up.

Ronald's Early?

"Ronald's Early?"

maybe there is no Searly. maybe the above is what i misheard as "Ronald Searly" three mnoths back.

Though yes, being a pyschiatrist would easily allow someone to remain isolated yet contactable to a group. member dropping by to see him and get operational arrangements made, supplying the main man with updates, the whole time passing themselves off of 'patients'.

naturally, if the whole thing got busted [say by a detective's wire] then he could always claim everything overheard was the product of the maddened minds he is trying to straighten out through professional means, and not somehting he is personally involved in. if if we have recordings suggesting he is involved, he could always claim he is humouring the patient, going along with them in effort to get to the crux of their disorder. first class obfuscatia.

up north but based on the west coast, away from operations in our eastern sphere of investigation, but within reach. classic obfuscatia - when they say look left, you better look right.

Mind Games

There is a Ronald G. Early (Girlie?), practising psychiatry in Washington State. This is in my mind too near the canadian border and the high-activity-area of Vancouver to discount as one of those coincidence things. Dr. Early gets to you fast. I am put in mind of the man Earl (Wyndom), semiologically at least. I wonder if Early is Searly? Psychiatry is certainly a rich field for case-related activity. Mind games…

non-case related activities

This investigator has been indulging in non-case related activities and is currently struggling to find time to dedicate to the case. Though I am sure what needs to be revealed will reveal itself in naturally ocurring time arc. 2 freelance projects currently soaking up all my 'free' time. 3 gallons of parsnip & elderflower wine placed under airlock last night. Serpico biography finished, new serpico blog discovered. seems fitting, like a good bung. A trip to the home of the cock and bull story revealed nothing case-related.

Reportage - fat quarters

journey notes as follow. not v case related though. Wed. train south. cute girl with boring boyfriend at eleven o'clock. (geographically not temporally.) her eyes shut looking out of train at england passing. long dark hair. another guy in front of me reading a shatner biog (semi-auto). I catch a few paras of it over shoulder. always trust a discrete nose piercing. shapes of interesting faces. sad businessman with laptop and shiny shoes like manacles. pedacles?? pin stripe. red stripe preferable. this is coach C. pass thru yorkstation thinking could have arranged this better. the swan smooth neck in soft green while reclined tired on arms. sludgeholders in edgeland of doncaster. sad river of england. other people's conversations. 'she lost it in a factory'. hmm. i think of handmaids tale. that was days back though. princes street gardens in july heat. her face shape is dreamlike. long sleeves fingers peer out of, slender. they're talking about joshua and elizabeth. oh for steamtrain seats of grosmont all over this rail network. real wooden wood. buddlia in wasteground. shatner, I read, canoed with 6 other boys from canada to new york. i haven't changed since age 5 in this respect. england oh land of pylons and motorways. iron rails between graffiti parking lots of industry. red brick of olden false glory. weirs and knotweed. i am a fool never to converse. girl in green top departs at sheffield. he may not be dull really. are the beatniks growing stronger in cellars here? or are they turning into consumers of money? roll mats could save us.
case notes though: middle england is devoid of mirth. will report further findings soon.
top room of circa 1500s house in leicestershire is a secret production room of needlework, quilting, felting - fat quarters everywhere; works on wattle and daub walls around random queenpost timbers. apple tree in secret garden and ghost pine beyond. youngsters practising forward drives with tennis ball. tomato plants outdoors. I watch brief encounter after sepia wartime portraiture. it wasn't the film I expected - before sunrise is the true version. on now to more stations. the buddlia seems more friendly now. Cut. Fri. Hotel lobby foyer watching second test (ashes) with ultra-£3 boddingtons well enough earned. buddlia in sight as I write hanging into holiday inn parking lot. the sky turns purple grey from a mixture of broken weather and july dusk. 111 for 3. make that 111 for 4. the lobby carpet is bus seat-esque enough to dream into. I see a big red indian bird and a wallaby mouse. the lobbies are the best places to run into interesting people. 111 for 5. I figure I can still score another 2pts from the ten pound note i started with. or a sneaky carryout from supermarket over A road. discover that the oldish couple, looking like dapper MCC folks are actually aussies, staying in lobby to watch the cricket like me. i should have known. they're both on pints. now also eating salted nuts. i ponder hiding my journalistic pad. some people it would loosen their tongues, some it would tighten, but who's to guess how many of each and which more important. I see many younger outer edge knitwear types opening up and the few harder core experimentalists silenced on sight of a pad. (rain falls outside.) Perhaps the few are more worthwhile than the many, but I think I'd have more fun plumbing the shallows or depths of the many - the end dealers and users, the rollers of fat quarters for pleasure and collegebook ideals. I get in conversation with the aussie couple - turns out only one is aussie - the guy is from aberdeen. only story I get is of a german backpacker they met - was trying to learn english but landed up staying in a hostelfull of germans. no obvious leads into much.

next wisdom to come is from my contact J, prearranged to meet her at hotel. met in lobby and ventured to their room. she reveals what I already suspected- that second only to Totnes, this spa town I'm in, the mother of all spa towns after saltburn, is the UK hippy central. I suspect this must be why I came. if there is a UK tahoe contingent in above ground existence, it may be here. my plan is to hit the charity shops tomorrow and see what leads I can pick up. always go with a hunch, even in notre dame. I'll go tomorrow on the pretext of acquiring quick wedding guest threads - a perfect way-in to any fabric and needlework subterfuge. i know a girl previously on the US music touring circuit who had/has a pad here. since gone further west, also with a farm in spain I think. if her homemade tipi is anything to go on then this is indeed a likely junction for red and orange cottons. note to self. also try to acquire a cheap baby acoustic guitar. a fat quarter-size. a good way into the local sngr-sngwrtr coffeehouse scene.
Sat. no acoust found after a run around town. but another language anecdote heard to reinforce that of the aussie scots couple re german. this time a trip to amsterdam by dutch girl trying to ask directions in dutch but noone there understanding her because all are tourists. I hit the fleamarket with M. Some vinyl inc. live janis and live joan baez and coney island baby. little antique stall - chipped pottery vessels, discoloured spoons, faded jewelery, strange objects awaiting a detroitfix use ['upcycling' is a new fashion mag term for it, seemingly]- but no baby acoustic guitar, banjo or similar. a surprise. directions to oxfam from a studentesque blonde. no records. stalls of hip garmentry en route. back via frock exchange shop. some nice threads. colour co-ordination in the basement. cut to evening. post wedding in barn. 'yes we even had correspondence' I hear, from cambridge undergrad I briefly exchanged letters with about illusory theory of time and intergalactic stick.
cut back to hotel room. i awake at 4am. a whole bottle of cava still unopened. subdued hotel washroom lighting. i glug milk from cool window sill. 'forget something? un oubli?' asks holiday inn. yes, probably, I think. halloumi pastry wrap. playpark. soil field over stream. i tell ten-to-twelve yr old you can get thru to playpark at top of field edge. he says he already knows. the youth are ahead of me - good. what insights? i add the word 'not' to make: 'throw yr soul at this day because it might not be yr last'. I must have been reading too many self help books.

investigations on the northeastern seafront and further inland. whitbywool circle has gone to ground. there is a french connection. grosmont steam line. I sat in tree watching cafegoers. squeakiest voiced girl in shepherd's purse. those chips taste good though. apple juice in glass litre bottle from purse, served by non-squeaky dark haired girl. will give full report in due course. no news is news itself.