Friday, 21 August 2009

In Response

"Changing others behaviour, without letting them know why or even that
you are doing it."

This sounds like a classic obfuscationist and manipulativist trick straight from the marketing department. Your supposition that it was a female using this technique suggests Costa/Cortez to me. The wolf in sheepswool clothing. But then, Parrish has been demonstrated also to have been involved in marketing with the military. Whether two people or one, the MO is the same, TBS.

The walk in the woods is fascinating and timeous. The message was what you found in the beehive; nothing more than the message. the message was what you sought...
The message is the honey and the bee.

The collection of floral fabrics by cargo cult road trips suggests to me the collection of nectar (and unintentionally, pollen) by bees, for transformation into honey back in the michigan hive. To feed new bees. But who is the Queen bee? Perhaps one of the adroit witches is a second queen, in which case, where has the swarm accompanied her to, in its search for a second hive?

Adroit Witch

Info on the Droitwitch Fix.

Origins of the word Droitwitch...

Seems to be an amalgam of Adroit and Witch. Must've distilled from the two seperate words to A droitwitch and then dropped the A, so make Droitwitch on it'd own. We all know what the Witch bit means, but here's some basic info on Adroit 'from fav online wiktionary';

Social Adroitness is a personality trait measured in the Jackson Personality Inventory [1].It assesses the ability to manipulate your own behavior in order to get what you want from others. It differs from psychopathy in that the adroitness is not intrinsically narcissistic or manipulative, but refers rather to the set of social skills that allow one to work with others prodictively. In that sense it is closeley related to conceptions of emotional intelligence.Tools of adroit behavior include flattery, indirection, listening, circumspection, reciprocal altruism, politeness and strategic reasoning.
Example behaviors associated with adroitness include:
The ability to pretend to enjoy things which you dislike when it suits the individual's purpose.
Changing the way you act to satisfy a person with whom you are dealing.
Holding feelings in check if they might interfere with getting what you want from someone.
Trying to appear less informed then you actually are.
An ability to get the most out of people.
Enjoying being nice to others.
Changing others behaviour, without letting them know why or even that you are doing it.
My reasoning is that it must have been applied to a female demonstrating one or more of the above traits - most likely derogatorily - and has then somehow become woven into the further investigation highlighted by yr good selves.

as far as i know is no known link to Droitwich the place.

Fear and Boating in the Wolds

Following report is assembled from what is left of notes on Regan interview/journey.
Originals have been lost/disappeared, anything not retained on reporter's body has been *compromised*. Laptop frozen and pens hard to find.
Strange. The reporter when writing this selection is not aware of the ongoing investigations on the part of The Three.

Fear and Boating in the Wolds.

Following the botched attempt to find Regan's abode, I'm stuck in Wolds village Inn trying to plan for the next two days. After soft drink option was followed in trying to fall in to locals favour Hexx was sought from bar...duly rendered much of the afternoon/evening incomprehensible. Did manage to drop into semi-understandable conversation with a man name Nelson Parks. He has was of an inditerminate age, somewhere beyond middle age, but unable to ascertain fully due to the obvious ravages of drink and time. Older than seemed, the eyes and faculties seemed to be pin sharp. Insistent. Conversation rambled, but some nuggets did appear, though veiled by the fog of Hexx and locally micro-brewed ales, things didn't take much shape. [at this stage notes were taken and during one extended toilet break, Mr Parks filled a notebook with complex diagrams and maps with statements, all seemed interlinked, but protracted discussion failed to illuminate further. this notebook is now disappeared/lost presumed destroyed - more info to follow].

Suffice, the journey looked doomed to nothing. However, through Parks there were two strong leads.

1. The second day of the Wolds stay coincided with the Open Gardens of the village. Mainly the opportunity to view a series of disgustingly rich people opulent rear vistas. Koi ponds, faux stone minarets, formal hedge work and electronically rotated summer houses synced to the rotation of the sun. However, after garden 'J', Parks suggested a detour. Across the main street lay a stile and narrow grassed area sandwiched between two high sandstone walls, leading toward seemingly solid hedge and bracken. Once the 50 yards of long grass had been traversed it became clear there was a small route through the overgrowth. Pushing through led to a small gravel path that led a short way toward a clump of trees - mainly Ash and silver Birch - the high stone walls ran along to the trees ahead and overgrown foliage seemed wild and free to block light [almost like the 'wild' climbers and been encouraged up the walls] nothing looked to have disturbed the area in a while, but the path seemed maintained. Once we arrived at the trees the path abruptly ended with no suggested path, but there seemed to be the remains of a series of paths through the knotty grass and weed. With an approximate left or right choice I looked at Parks and he shrugged, 'You pick' he offered. I went right and headed toward what seemed the most easily reachable route around the trees. 'This is the only thing Regan left...they won't want you to see won't make any sense though.' Parks was being wilfully confusing, but at the same time shed enough light on where we were. At least there seemed to be a point to it.

Either direction led to freedom from the walls and foliage, but imminent daylight seemed likely on my desired route. Eventually I found myself with Parks some several wheezy steps behind, at the top of a slight incline toward a relatively sized field. The wind blew patterns across the grass and the vague signs of paths through the grass led toward a series of structures. Small and almost lost in the grass, there seemed to be around 8 or 9 of them arranged in what looked like 5 'areas' - delineated by shakily constructed stone boundaries. I could swear it looked a scale model of the Great Lakes. I trudged through the grass to each structure and found them to be either old bee hives or what looked like the homes for pigs you see on farms along the roads in this part of yorkshire. all where empty and seemed to have been emptied with the intention of something to be eventually housed in them. One had a rough construction that looked to be intended to use water to power a turntable [this is my assumption]. In the grass it was hard to discern whether the grass had originally been kept short to go with the landscaping. But it does seem that whoever was meant to be here had to choose there own path, their own 'path of desire'. Before wandering back to the path and the village I tried one last hive, it had the phrase 'This is what you look for' scrawled on the side, but inside there was nothing.

2. Nelson Parks had further revelations on the final evening of my stay, as he revealed more on Regan's whereabouts. The village line seems to be that Regan has a residence - alluded to as Woolly Knoll - and is rarely here. Parks has a different take, and though this is his own version, there seems to be a veracity to his information. The sharpness of his presence and the insistence of his discussion...seems trustworthy. Either that, or he's looking for a juicy kickback...not sure how. The tale is that Regan did indeed have a getaway in the village, well, on the outskirts, but was regularly in residence. Until 5 maybe 6 years ago, when his crashed car was discovered on one of the lanes. Regan was never found. He disappeared... Additionally Parks seems to spell it Reagon. He never explained why. He also referred to Reagon/Regan as 'Surly Early' due to his demeanour... Draw your conclusions.

>> Current status of Lone wolf: trying to get re-sketches of remembered visuals of reporters notebook. It seems Hexx has blanked his recollections of the specifics <<

in response

sounds interesting. bound to be linked to the case [what isn't?].
people may have moved underground or perhaps they have all just been arrested and sit in prisons across the usa.

either way, this actually sounds like a cover for the soft michigan operation, now most likely expanded to the ring of activity we identified as the north-eastern donut. the project is going live now (just as the beards touched down in the uk and just as bss begin their us/canada tour - all beyond coincidence, no doubt. perhaps they have reached the stage where the project can no longer be kept from public view, so some 'official explanation' is required to cover up for noticeable activity.

i believe i may have major findings from whitby[boat] this weekend, including a brazenly open uk operational centre and much photographic evidence. will write up later.

am also wondering when lone wolf's 'mentally composed' email, the 'esoteric drawings' and the evidence he uncovered on 'regan's dalliance with the Fix' are going to be disseminated among the investigative team. they sound important with regard to the case.

Nobody Home

Radio 4 news item morning of I think Friday 26 June:
A man call Dan Kilby(?), working for US federal govt dept on replanning cities due to INCREASES IN EMPTY HOUSES. He is from Clint, Michigan. Cities being replanned/worked on included Cleveland Ohio, Baltimore, and Detroit. Methods included removing empty houses to increase garden space between houses. This was/is a major project (major enough to warrant item and interview on UK radio). It began under the bush administration, and now Obama is also using Dan to continue this work.
The question that occurs to me though, is where have all the people gone?? Or were these houses built but never occupied? In which case who got the sums wrong on population numbers etc, in these housing companies? Are there more people than we might think living in airstreams and teepees on the borders and the slabs? How many people live in soft michigan? Or in the waters of lake superior?

I don't know if a connection exists between the two Dans. Probably not,I feel.

You are right to pick up on the auburn hair dye receipts. Is the Melody/Melissa/Melinda/Belinda puzzle a case of two real people and two pseudonyms? Or three real people and one pseudonym? Or some other combination? What's real and what is pretend...?

I am currently researching postings concerning the michelson morley model.

Casebook Retrieval

I recently retrieved my main casebook which had been idly left at Kingsbury PI's place a few days earlier. It contains observations and suppositions relevant to the case hitherto untouched on.

note 1: The redhead girl in the CCTV footage identified by one of the Boston tech crew as Melody Nelson could she be one of the duo known as 'Melinda Packett'? I recall receipts for auburn hair colour being found at their bay area residence? Sounds like one of those coincidences I don't believe in.

Assuming this is the case, it would seem that there is frequent movement of personnel connected to this whole saga from north to south and east to west. The group seem to have connection in all corners of the continent and also south of the border. Vandeloo and De Leon seem to have moved around more than most people we are aware of in the case - Florida, Baton Rouge, Mexico, Wisconsin, probably Maine. I definitely think these guys are researchers/couriers with major connections moving across the landscape on a constant basis, probably running along differenty routes to the cargo cult already identified. I'm still not sure if they were truly soft core group or if they were government plants.

This moving around would facilitate posting correspondance from all over the US, allowing the group to never use the same address twice, appearing ubiquitous and without an operational centre. This is an organisation structured according to donut law. perhaps they themselves extend around the circumference of the planet and Searly could be anywhere. This is a classic obfuscationist technique, favoured by RC Christian as we have already seen.

One more thing: Dan Stairs. His name sounds so similar to 'downstairs'; it makes me think of basements. I think he could be a good lead. I shall investigate his presence in the Ohio region; preliminary enquiries show he has been spotted in the East Cleveland area.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Giants of Cinema

I sense the giants of cinema encountering a soundscape problem.
A carrier bag of fresh prawns from my man sustains me for two days.
Returning now to forage more case material.
Recent theories posted were truly noteworthy, unfortunately I can't remember anything about them.
There was something about a simultaneous transmission; a meeting of waves in the mid atlantic.
Yes, that's it. I will get my falafel contact to dig up the gossip behind scenes.

Open university beards on aged hippies, wearing cotton. It is 3 am.
BBC 2 is transmitting early whiteboard flipchart scenes.
Venn Graphs and Vanderrgraffs and vandeloos and vent gaffs.
Gotta do a pratfall when they've vanned all the graffs.
I wonder which continent Ellena Costa is in now.

Perhaps when all this is done we can go travel in a van over the plains, maybe grow some beens.
jump in a pool under a waterfall or something.
I feel that at least one of the michigan cotton pickers may be with us in the U of K.
My eyes are open. There is a girl wwoofing nearby who looks a little like melody nelson but I don't think for a minute it is her.

It's a while since I was last on the protest or festival circuit.
there are channels of communication there - easy to pick up scents.
falafels are on the menu. and veggie-meat burgers.

A consignment of out of date ginger beer, and canada dry, note, has just reached me by car boot.
It kicks like it is fermenting or something.
Sam Ting says that the centre point of a magna-ring is a potential for strangeness.
He points out the example of the inside of a racing track.
How easy it would be, he says, to hide out in there...


I think perhaps I have been focusing too heavily on the wool-related aspects of the case and negelecting to join the dots between other case-related activities. In effort to redress this imbalance I'd like to outline my knowledge of the movement known as the Obfuscationsts.

It is believed that the group began in the early fifties US of A with links to the military. Post-war analysis showed that deception tactics were vital to the military success and, once the troops had come home, stories were soon in the air about how some maverick had planned the perfect dupe and gained a critical victory for his batallion. Equally, when a soldier fell, it was always due to the duplicity of the enemy rather than an error on a comrade's part or just sheer bad luck with the odds of a war theatre.

Long story short, in the post-war era there were lots of draftees who had learned to cultivate and depend on deception techniques for their survival who were now looking to integrate back into society. This is how many of the ideas at the root of the Obfuscationist movement came into the public domain. Some of these ex-servicemen went to college and others found steady jobs working for the man, many of them ending up in the growing sales and marketing industry during a boom time for mass production. Their learned instinct to capitalise on weakness and expand territory made them particularly suited to mass-maketing and time has revealed a great overlap between obfuscationist thinking and advertising techniques.

Some of those who drifted into the college scene at this time are likely to have been involved in the devlopment of the op-art experiments noted earlier. By the time the hippie/'Nam north/south split happened in the sixties, ofuscationist ideology was widely permeated throughout the civilian mindset. The movement, or at least its ideology, appears to trascend politics. Photos from Vietnam show grafittied obfuscationst symbology in the jungles of SE Asia as well as on college campuses and on placards and pin badges at peace festivals and protest in the US at a similar time.

John Nash's game theory crystallised many fundamentals of the Obfuscationist modus operandi and was soon latched onto by the marketeers to promote the idea of the anti-Droitwich fix. Worthless items sold for a high price, elevated to must-have status through marketing techniques. Among other things, such groups are known to hold responsibility for pointlessly overdeveloped items of basic functionality such as the five bladed razor and the electric toothbrush, pitching them to the public under a shroud of faux personality. Current projections estimate that products will be named after people within 5-10 years. In 20-25 years is is expected that people will be named after products.


Your last missive gives me the impression that things are beginning to unravel. Are you working from a new base now? A change in situation often allows things to be seen viewpoints hitherto unviewed. Maybe your move will provide you with a different view of the case.Thunder and lightning is filling the sky as I type. Low pressure. Electricity. Turbulence. eight young tomato plants are currently being rained on.

So, the beards are coming to town. It seems our guitar-slinging cowboys are will be active in the UK at a similar time to Costa's Broken Social Scene hitting the Candian road. Is this coincidence? Not if Bob Palindrome's maxim is anything to go by; 'there's no such thing as coincidences; there's only incidences, and they all go in the casefile'. He also used to say 'a casefile is like a good stew; you chuck everything in there, keep a low heat on it and see what rises to the surface'. I always took this as a good metaphor but once I got to know the man I realised that he also meant it literally.

Once I had visted his apartment I soon realised that he would destroy old closed casfiles by boiling them up in a pan of water in his kitchen. This explained the scald marks on his hands I'd previously wondered about. The man, resourceful as ever, used this method of data erasion as it provided him with the raw material for his hobby of making lifesize paper mache sculptures of his favourite birds of prey. The man had these things, hand painted, all over his house. A bald eagle hung above the main doorway, neck craned down and beak out so as to almost peck your left eye out while you waited for the door to open. A pereguin falcon, wings hunched back in a dive pose sat on his bureau acting as a mail holder, envelopes stuffed between the two raised wings. I digress...

Although the dates of BSS and the beard troupe's performance are not the same, they are only a couple of weeks apart. There is the possibility of using winds, possibly the trade winds one of our investigators mentioned earlier, to allow the sound to travel over large distances. This obviously takes time. I am consulting Dr. Epstein on this and am waiting for confirmation, but rough calculations show that it is fairly likely the soundwaves from both touring circuits will collide and interact at some point around the start of august. Perhaps there is some underlying plan for the two soundwaves to mesh in a certain area, interfering with one another in a way similiar to that you tried to achieve with the dual spin sources.

This could be another Black Cat style experiment, done in reverse fashion to the dual particle example. This time, they are starting with two sources, which are intended to meet up in one location. causing some kind of effect or outcome.Due to the butterfly effect, turbulence, it is hard to predict with certainty the when and where or even if of what may happen, but Epstein did say 'it could be possible'. Of course, I may be looking in the wrong direction and this could just be nothing. If, on the other hand, it is the case, then we are dealing with some advanced Obfuscation techniques.