Friday, 29 May 2009

(Doing The) Boston Mass

It came back to me. The barmaid I met the night before last was a singer-songwriter. I met up with her and her boyfriend briefly last night. They are living in an airstream on the edge of town. Parked up in a layby under some deciduous foliage cover. He is some years younger than her, I feel (unless she just has an ‘older soul’ as people sometimes say). She played and sang part of one of her songs. It contained the refrain ‘doing the Boston Mass’. Her picking work was very harp-like – lots of open strings and semitone intervals. Not unlike early Joni on Songs to a Seagull.

The couple very much had a feel of being ‘on the run’, but without the weary faces of having been on the road for long. I think they are recent fugitives. I don’t know how long they plan to stay in town – presumably a while if she’s got bar work. Maybe for the season, before the urge for going kicks in. I’ll try to run into them again. If I do I’ll ask her to play the Boston Mass song again, so I can memorise some of the words.

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